#387 - Neil’s Crane Company, Paid In Chinese and Lightning In A Handbag
John's inspiring the whole studio today and a Made Up Game digs into the great albums.
There’s a lot of inspiring going on today in Elis and John towers. And perhaps unsurprisingly, once again it’s Inspirer-in-Chief Mr John Robins doing the rousing. What Nightingale was to nursing, Robins is to content.
Dave goes sanulus canulus as he follows JR’s path finding - well according to John. And a glossy eyed Elis reminisces about utilising a Robins comedic innovation as he crashed and burned at a potentially career-making comedy gig. Because, deep down, we can’t but help live like Thornbury’s finest.
But what of the areas of the show where John forces Elis to let go of his reassuring hand and walk free? Well he battles to maintain his >50% Connection Rate and there’s a Made Up Game that will force Elis to rely on his practically otherwise useless NME collection instead.
Want to get in touch with the show? Would you like to suggest something for the weekly bonus / Bureau de Change of The Mind? Then it’s elisandjohn@bbc.co.uk or 07974 293 022 on WhatsApp.
Procucer Dave swaps booze for big breakfasts
Duration: 00:46
Elis James feels the pressure during the Cymru Connection
Duration: 00:53
How Do You Cope? …with Elis and John
Elis James and John Robins
Elis James and John Robins with big laughs and top quality #content.