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Venezuelan opposition leader granted asylum in Spain

The Venezuelan government says the opposition presidential candidate, Edmundo González, who challenged President Maduro in elections in July, has left the country.

Meanwhile, the Spanish foreign minister says his country is offering political asylum to Mr González.

In a post on Instagram, the Vice President Delcy Rodriguez said Mr González had been sheltering at the Spanish embassy in Caracas, where he was seeking asylum, and had now left the country for Spain.

The 75-year-old former diplomat had never run for public office before and was not even widely known in opposition circles before the election. In the lead up to the vote, he said that Venezuelans were yearning for change.

Julian Worricker spoke to Paola Bautista de Alemán from Venezuela's Primero Justicia political party which makes up the country's opposition coalition. She told him what she knew about the situation.

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4 minutes