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Traitors Series 2: Episode 9 BONUS – More Traitors dissections from Jordan North, Thanyia Moore and Series 2 players!

Extra Sounds-exclusive reaction to tonight’s episode of the Traitors with Ed Gamble and his guests: Jordan North, Thanyia Moore – plus Series 2 players!

This podcast contains spoilers for the first 9 episodes of The Traitors Series 2.

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16 minutes



[00:00:00] ED: Before you listen to this episode of The Traitor's Uncloaked, please be warned that there is some naughty words that may be unsuitable for younger ears. : Â鶹ԼÅÄ Sounds. Music, radio, podcasts. ED: Hello and congratulations for finding your way to the bonus episode of Uncloaked on Â鶹ԼÅÄ Sounds. We just couldn't say goodbye to everyone just yet.

So the chat continues. I'm joined by Jordan North, Thanyia Moore and our banished slash murder players, Charlie and Charlotte.

ED: Super invested in you guys. Very happy to have you here. But also it's, it's also so sad to have you here because it means that you're out of the game. CHARLOTTE: Yes, that is a bit disappointing, isn't it? ED: Were you gutted? To have gone this, this late on in the game. CHARLOTTE: Um, for me, no, I, well, I am cause like, you know, I'm not going to turn down some money, but for me, like it was more, it was just getting so.

it was getting too much for me. I just started to think, what am I going to turn into if I have to stay here? So I think I left at [00:01:00] the right time. ED: You could feel it changing your personality. CHARLOTTE: Not, no, not my personality. I could just see other people, how, how they were crossing each other and doubting each other.

It just got personal. And I, I just felt like, because I do really care about all of them, I didn't. Want to kind of get to that level. I, I, I couldn't do it. I found me taking things very personal and I hadn't up until that point. Um, but then maybe it's 'cause I hadn't been under the radar. I dunno. Maybe I can dish, not take, I dunno.

ED: what about you, Charlie? CHARLIE: Oh, I was destroyed, absolutely destroyed. I just loved every minute of it and I think it was such an emotional rollercoaster of continuous emotion and I think. I really enjoyed that. I really enjoyed it. So when I, when I went and not being able to say goodbye as well was uh, was, was kind of hard, you know, but yeah, I was, I was, I missed it.

I missed it. I must admit, like when everyone, when I had to go, but um, but yeah, I see what you mean. It did start to change. It started to shift. Um, but yeah, yeah, I was gutted. ED: It's hard, isn't [00:02:00] it? Because the, the fewer people there are. everyone's closer, but also everyone's got their eyes on the prize a little bit more.

So it just becomes way more torturous, like every single decision. CHARLOTTE: Yeah, for sure. Definitely. And the thing is as well, some people probably would benefit from that prize pot more. So, you know, there's, there's an element where you can't, you definitely can't blame anyone for going for it, because it's life changing money, isn't it?

But, um, yeah, it is hard. It's very difficult. JORDAN: Who are you most gutted about? Go in, faithful, who are you most like? CHARLIE: Johnny, I, yeah, so Johnny, Johnny and Brian. So I, uh, I didn't vote for them at the round table, so Johnny and Brian. 'cause, because I knew, I, I knew that they, so I wasn't very good at finding the traitors (?) loved Johnny.

CHARLIE: But I was quite good at finding the faithfuls and I didn't believe that Brian or Johnny were traitors. Um, and. Yeah, so when, when they went, it was, it's so hard to watch people go through that round [00:03:00] table and like, it looks intense when you're watching it. When you're there, it is, it's another world and it feels like it goes on for hours.

CHARLOTTE: It does. CHARLIE: You can't say anything. It does, it does. You can't say anything because, you know, you need to have it. play out and people to error out but it's so uncomfortable that um, but yeah I think that Johnny it was, yeah, and you just watching it play out. ED: Yeah, bless him. CHARLOTTE: He's only said that comment about his children isn't it when we get to see my kids like that literally my heart exploded.

ED: But we had an amazing mission on tonight's episode, which you absolutely smashed, Charlotte. You really threw yourself into it. I was saying to these guys before you guys arrived that it felt like, because you sensed that you might be going, you just thought, right, let's just do it then. CHARLOTTE:Yeah ED: let's just really go for it.

CHARLOTTE: Absolutely. I mean, I really enjoyed the missions. I like pushing myself out my comfort zone. In this area of my life where I've just gone stop doing the dorm, do something new. So, when I went in there, funnily enough, toads are one of my biggest [00:04:00] fears. Yes. ED: So specific, did you have to write that on an application form?

Is that how they knew? CHARLOTTE: No. Well, I did think, like, you know, you know how your phone listens to you when it suddenly shows you an ad about something you're talking about? I'm like, have I done that? ED: Yeah. And they've found it out. Because that's weird, because one of Ross's biggest fears is holding down a light switch.

CHARLOTTE: Is it? I am. That makes so much sense. THANYIA: I hate him so much. JORDAN: She got so wound up with him holding that one. It was the THANYIA: You had one job! Just hold it, man! CHARLOTTE: I know, I was getting so stressed down there. THANYIA:  Honestly, it's doing my head in. CHARLOTTE: It's how he went like that and just Oh, I've turned the lights on now, and they were like, no, you have to hold it down.

ED: But you looked so annoyed to have to do it. It was great. Charlie, another one of my mission highlights for you, and it's probably a low light in your mind, is the graveyard mission. CHARLIE: Graveyard. ED: With the spotlights, where you were caught in approximately 1.2 seconds. CHARLIE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't think I even lifted my back foot off the ground.

I think I just kind of slid forward slightly. Just breathed. Um, oh yeah, and that [00:05:00] spotlight, it was very, yeah. Highlighting. Yeah, uh, yeah. I don't really, do you know what? I look, I look at it, I've watched it and I think it is what it is, which was absolutely hilarious. I don't, I don't, I don't feel bad about it.

I just own it and I'm like, yeah, well the spotlight needed to be on me, right? CHARLOTTE: Yeah I love that.

ED: Was that a particularly difficult mission? Because CHARLOTTE: yeah. That spotlight, it's fast. I know, and then you're like, you've got to bash it, then you've got to hide, then you've got to go bash it again, then you've got to go hide, then you get your coins, and you can see Claudia, she's like, get him, I'm like, I'm trying!

And like, it's so hard! ED: I mean, it wasn't hard for Diane, but I'm pretty sure she's a cat burglar in real life. CHARLOTTE: Right? Gazelle, gazelle Diane. All you can see is the bob bouncing, that's what we always said to her when we got around, it was like, we just She's just like, here, here, here. CHARLIE: Like a meerkat going between the graves.

CHARLOTTE: It was amazing. ED: So obviously we had the huge reveal in episode three that Diane and Ross are [00:06:00] mother and son. CHARLOTTE: But Ross is. ED: But Ross is. Um, what was your reaction to finding that out? CHARLOTTE: I can't remember how we reacted. We, we had no idea though, did we? CHARLIE: Absolutely no idea. And all I was doing when I, when, when I saw the news, is you start to recall all your memories where they were together. CHARLOTTE: Yeah.

CHARLIE: Did they, were they talking? Were they communicating? CHARLOTTE: Yeah. CHARLIE: Was there any kind of, um, I'm watching it back, like there was so much. In our faces. CHARLOTTE: In our faces. He winked. He winked in the car. He goes like that. To the camera. THANYIA: Yeah. And you were sitting next to him. You were right there. Yeah. CHARLOTTE: I was next to him. I didn't see that.

No. Well, clearly not. No. THANYIA: But was it you? Was it you? Am I getting it wrong? There was a moment where Ross and Diane were talking in a room. And then CHARLOTTE: yeah, you nearly walk in. THANYIA: yeah you walked in, you were like, what are you doing over there? And they were like, and she was like, Oh, and they started explaining it away. And you just left it.

You didn't say anything. CHARLIE: Still straight over the head. Yeah. I just wanted to hug somebody, obviously. ED: But obviously you're not looking for that, right? CHARLOTTE: No. ED: There's no way that you're going, well, I think they might be mother and son. That's why they're talking about that. CHARLOTTE: I think it's the accents that [00:07:00] threw us off because the minute I knew, I was like.

Oh my goodness. Yeah, you do look alike. But because of the different accents, like, I mean, that's the most stupidest thing to say in the world. Like, you know, of course you can have different accents, but just it did it like it's very much. Yeah. THANYIA: And she had red hair and he had dark hair. You wouldn't think. You just wouldn’t think.

CHARLOTTE: No, no. CHARLIE: I think that like it added such a complication to the game. Cause if one of them was. CHARLOTTE: Yeah. CHARLIE: The traitor and the other one was a faithful. CHARLOTTE:  That would have been great. CHARLIE: I don't know how that would have played out because they can't communicate that with each other. So that would have been. CHARLOTTE: He had to watch his mum get buried.

Yeah. Like what? THANYIA: I know but he's on a mission now and CHARLOTTE: Oh my god. THANYIA: how juicy. : The traitor's uncloaked. ED: Are you up for sort of dishing some dirt on, uh, on the castle and behind the scenes? CHARLOTTE:  Yeah you go, go for it. Depends what dirt you want. ED: Well not that, not that much dirt. We're a pretty, we're a pretty clean show.

Um. Um. But who was, like, the biggest soul of the party in there? Who was the one where, you know, you see the clock strike midnight and you're like, there's definitely someone there going, come on, we could stay for another drink. CHARLOTTE: I think that might have been me. [00:08:00] ED: Why didn't they poison you then? It would have been the easiest poison.

CHARLOTTE: Apparently, according to Miles, because obviously I've been able to speak to him, he said they actually was considering it. But, um, yeah. ED: cause you’d take the drink easier. CHARLOTTE: Yeah, because Charlotte would just, they was like, well, Charlotte would take a drink won’t she? CHARLIE: Yeah, I'm surprised I didn't rob the drink, to be honest.

CHARLOTTE: Yeah, well, they had to restock the bar. Like, they had to restock the bar. Because Greedy Charlotte went and grabbed some extras. ED: I like the way you refer to Greedy Charlotte as if she's a different person. CHARLOTTE: Yeah, she is. Like, you know that meme, um, it was Patricia. Well, yeah, it's like Greedy Charlotte did it.

Honestly, I think the, the adrenaline is more intoxicating than the drink at the moment, isn't it? THANYIA: That's a good one. ED: Out of all of the Faithfuls in there now, CHARLOTTE: Yes. ED: Who do you, who do you think would, would make the best traitor? CHARLOTTE: Zach would be good. Zach would be very good. CHARLIE: I mean, at this point, I would love to see a girl. CHARLOTTE: Yes.

CHARLIE: I'd love to see a girl traitor. CHARLOTTE: Yeah. CHARLIE: So I think Molly, do you know what, Evie, right? Evie's [00:09:00] quite a trusted person. Um, and I think she would have it in her. ED: Yeah, but so is Molly as well, right? I feel like we're hearing a little bit more from Molly now. CHARLOTTE: Yeah, definitely. She's grown in confidence and it's really nice to see because she's bloody fantastic.

So, I love seeing it because I'm like, go on girl, at the table sometimes. At the beginning it was very like, can I say something? Oh, I'm sorry, I've said that. And by the end of it, it's like, I am saying this and I'm sorry, I don't care. I'm going against the grain even. And I'm popping that card up like, yeah, it's cool, isn't it?

ED: But it was what you said, Charlotte, in the, in the, um, reveal of who the traitors were. You just went, boys club. Um, but also Claudia made that comment when they recruited Ross as well. It's like another hand. CHARLOTTE: My bestie, she's probably been like, you know what, you screwed my girl. So yeah, yeah, no, it has been a bit of a boy's club, which is a bit disappointing.

I mean, yeah, they have their reasons. I'm sure. Um, it may well be just because of how it unplayed at that time that they, that that person was crucial for it. And it just happens to be a boy. [00:10:00] ED: Tanya made the very good point earlier on that now what the traitors are doing is when they recruit, they're looking for people they can manipulate easily.

CHARLOTTE: yes, it's clever. ED: Maybe the best option. CHARLOTTE: Very true. THANYIA: If you lot had gone in there, you would never have gone with Harry. CHARLOTTE: No, no. I would've got rid of Harry. You would've gone in there and changed it and sorted it all out. He'd be like, you know too much. You're going. You are. THANYIA: I think the women wouldn't have gone in and just gone along with it.

And so that's why they didn't bring anybody in. CHARLOTTE: If I can bring us to night CHARLIE:  outlook, that is a real interesting, because they are quite all the women in, in, in the show have been quite powerful, independent, strong women. THANYIA: Yeah, they're switched on. But also whenever they talk about the person they're going to bring in, it's all under the guise of, he'll be easy to throw under the bus.

CHARLOTTE: Absolutely. I mean, if I went. in there. You can tell Andrew's not happy. You would just go, Andrew, look, I am happy to split the cash with you. THANYIA: Yeah. CHARLOTTE: Let's just get Harry out. Because if me and you go for it hard, say we've heard something or seen something, it's gone, which is what happened to me. So yeah, you're absolutely right.

ED: I want to talk about Claudia a bit because I feel like we spent so long discussing the [00:11:00] game on this show. We don't, we don't give Claudia her flowers enough. We need to big her up more. CHARLOTTE: She's amazing. ED: She's so mega invested in this, in this game and this show as well. You can see in the challenges, you know, she's screaming her head off.

Yeah, CHARLIE: and the emotion. ED: And the emotion. THANYIA: She's so concerned. °ä±á´¡¸é³¢°¿°Õ°Õ·¡:Ìý Yeah, yeah. ED: Do either of you two have any sort of favourite Claudia moments from your time in the castle? whether we saw it on screen or whether we didn't. CHARLIE: Oh, definitely the bird challenge. I just think Claudia was hilarious. CHARLOTTE: Just so funny. CHARLIE: Making us all make bird noises.

She was genuinely, like, going for it. Yeah, I just thought that she's, because she's got a real dry sense of humour. CHARLOTTE: Yeah. I love that dark comedy as well. She goes there and says things she shouldn't say and I'm like, I'll live for that. And like Honestly, there was a point where we had to have a pause because we had a technical fault.

And um, I said, I just literally turned to her and I was like, Claudia, I said, um, you seem to know so much about us. Like, you know, do you see all this stuff we do when, when we apply for the show? She went, I can't confirm or deny, you know, she says it, I can't confirm or deny. Okay, then fabulous. Um, and I was like, right.

And then she looked at me, she went, well, I know.[00:12:00]

Now we have to give some embarrassing stories when we apply, don't we? And I was thinking but what does she know? So when we did the gold rush challenge Harry actually hurt his shoulder a little bit and he landed on this shoulder and when he came back he was like my shoulder's hurting and because she just looked after us and mothers us she was like guys guys we need some deep heat we need some deep heat and she went You know about Deep Eat, don't you?

And that's when I was like CHARLIE: Charlotte, you're, you're, whoa! CHARLOTTE: I know, I know. Don't, don't worry. Deep Heat is a, it's, it's, no, no, it's not like a club or something weird. It's like Deep Heat the lotion. CHARLIE: No, I know what Deep Heat is! Oh my God! Wow! ED: Charlotte, you know, you do know you have to tell us the story. CHARLOTTE: This is it, that's what I'm saying.

Do you want to hear this story? It's a little bit naughty. ED: It's a wild wast podcast. CHARLOTTE: This is the wild side, isn't yeah. Okay, let's get freaky. ED: This is like Hollyoaks after dark. CHARLOTTE: Right, okay. So, I've had two brain surgeries. And on my second. ED: Okay. This wasn't the sort of saucey. CHARLIE: Okay, wait, hold on, wait. °ä±á´¡¸é³¢°¿°Õ°Õ·¡:Ìý No don’t worry, it's comical.

You will laugh. Um, I've had two brain surgeries and on my second brain surgery, because you can't move [00:13:00] your head very well, you get like knots and everything around your shoulders. So, um, so I had deep heat for that. But then also when you've had a catheter for a while, you can be a little bit sore. So I had a cream for that. And

ED: Oh no. THANYIA: Oh dear. CHARLOTTE: Oh yes. Because I was so high on all these things they were giving me, I'm having this shower and my wife is helping me, like, you know, shower, and without thinking, I just grabbed and put on and I've never, I tell you what, I would have had a second, a third brain surgery rather than do that.

ED: Oh my goodness. CHARLOTTE: I was screaming. THANYIA: Oh my days. CHARLOTTE: So, Laura gets on her knees, with the, with the shower thing, cause I had a wet room in my, next to my room, and she's like this, full force, cold water, and I'm standing there butt naked, holding on, and guess who walks into the room? My nan, who THANYIA: Oh, what the hell? CHARLOTTE: I know!

CHARLIE: We went there! We went there! That just got really serious. ED: I really thought the story was over. CHARLOTTE: There's just layers and layers of embarrassment there. THANYIA: So you're standing there stargazing. CHARLOTTE: I'm standing naked. THANYIA: Your wife is [00:14:00] pumping water at your non. Hold it. °ä±á´¡¸é³¢°¿°Õ°Õ·¡:Ìý Yeah. Nan comes in, thinks we're having like some kind of poorly THANYIA: Freaky sex.

CHARLOTTE: Freaky hospital sex. THANYIA: With Deep Heat. CHARLOTTE: And just runs out. She went and she didn't even come back. Like she would, she comes to visit me. And she just ED: What, you've never seen her since? CHARLOTTE: No, literally no, no, of course. No, but she I did see her again that day though, so she just went and drove home after that. Oh my god.

JORDAN: That was not God, exceeding perfect. CHARLIE:I can't believe that you've got so many more stories. CHARLOTTE: Oh my goodness. CHARLIE: I don't believe this is the last one. CHARLOTTE:  I need my own podcast, I'm telling you. But yeah, that was quite bad. ED: I mean, I'd listen, I'd subscribe. Wow. THANYIA: Honestly. ·¡¶Ù:Ìý I honestly don't think we're going to get better than that, so we should probably wrap it up there. JORDAN: What a story.

CHARLOTTE: And now the whole world knows that I'm sure I'm going to get ripped. THANYIA: Poor Nanny. ED: Charlie and Charlotte, you are both absolutely amazing players. We're so sorry to lose you from the show. I don't know what they're going to do on missions without you, to be honest. CHARLOTTE: I loved them. ED: I think the castle's going to be a lot CHARLIE: Succeed without me.

·¡¶Ù:Ìý Oh, not the catapult! Come on, Charlie. THANYIA: Come on, for Bristol. ED: The castle's certainly going to be a much less energetic and exciting [00:15:00] place without both of you there. Uh, and thank you so much to Jordan and Thanyia for coming on the show as well. Wonderful guys. THANYIA: Loved it. ED: Next week, if you can believe it, is the final week of Traitors.

We'll be back once again on Uncloaked after episode 10 for more exclusives and to meet the latest players who have left the castle. See you soon!

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