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Traitors Series 2: Episode 7 BONUS – More debriefs from Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Reverend Richard Coles and Series 2 players!

Ed Gamble is joined by superfans Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Reverend Richard Coles and Series 2 players for a Sounds-exclusive reaction to the latest episode of The Traitors!

This podcast contains spoilers for the first 7 episodes of The Traitors Series 2.

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14 minutes



ED: Before you listen to this episode of The Traitor's Uncloaked, please be warned that there is some naughty words that may be unsuitable for younger ears.

ED: Hello. Hello. This is our bonus episode of Uncloaked because we had so many more questions to ask Diane and Miles. But before we chat to them, we've got some more questions for our wonderful guests, Sophie Ellis Bexter and Reverend Richard Coles. So obviously it's a pretty tense time in the Traitor's Castle at the moment, but who are you rooting for? Are you rooting for the traitors? Are you rooting for the faithfuls?

SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTER: I'm traitors. You're traitors! Yeah, is that bad?

ED: No, not at all, but I just think it's always, it's always good when people admit that.

SOPHIE: What does it say about me?

REV RICHARD COLES: Yeah, traitors.

ED: Traitors as well.

RICHARD: Harry. Yeah. Harry particularly. Yeah. I think he's fascinating.

ED: Do you think, do you think he's got the, the wherewithal to sort of go right through to the end?

SOPHIE: Yeah, I do actually. And also what they're doing. It's tricky, and they're doing it really well, and they're responding to everything, so you're sort of waiting for them, because that's what keeps the tension.

RICHARD: Yeah. It's a bit like a papal conclave. You go in a pope, you come out a cardinal. Do you know what I mean? There's always the obvious candidate. Usually around episode 8, 9, 10, they begin to fail, and you see the dark horse come through. And with jazz.

ED: Yeah.

RICHARD: I like jazz. I think jazz is great.

ED: He's bided his time very well. He's a faithful, so, but you want the traitors to win.

RICHARD: Well, you never know what's happening, do you? Because faithful today, treasonous tomorrow.

ED: Sophie, obviously Murder on the Dancefloor was used in the last series. What are you thinking of the music in this series?

SOPHIE: Not enough of me.

ED: Not enough of you.

SOPHIE: Um, no, really, I really enjoy the dramatic versions of known songs that bring out the dark side. I'm all about that.

ED: Because obviously, yeah, Murder on the Dance Floor was used in Saltburn, which has given it a real, you know, extra boost recently. Who do you think out of our current players in the Traitor's Castle would look, uh, best sort of dancing around it naked?

SOPHIE: Is that the question? You look like you thought that as you were going on? (Laughter) Oh Golly, um I think the one that is the natural selection is the one who's quite often presenting himself very nearly naked, which would be Andrew. I think he's ready.

RICHARD: It's a lot of Andrew to see, isn't it?

ED: Yeah, a lot of Andrew to see. I think that'd be great.

SOPHIE: I think that'd be great.

ED: It's not even that hard to imagine. Maybe he's murder on the dance floor again.Β  Come on, you can't, don't turn your nose up at that. We'll have Andrew swinging his way around the castle, butt naked, holding a bowl of mint.

SOPHIE: It all works.

ED: Diane, something I wanted to ask you straight away is, did you ever worry that Ross might be a traitor? I know you said a couple of things on the show that there was a bit of paranoia, but was there ever a real worry?

DIANE: Well, never worry. I mean, I always thought he'd make a great traitor, but he told me before we went on he didn't want to wear the cloak, so he was never going to be a traitor. Why I have no idea.

MILES: I mean, green's not my colour, but I'll make it work.

ED: No. I think green should be your colour.

MILES: I mean, I'm wearing it today.

DIANE: Because I am slightly, slightly a tad opinionated, I thought that, um, I shouldn't really have been in as long as I was, so then that made me begin to worry. Was he indeed a traitor? Uh. Because, um. But I have to be very honest and say, if I'd got to the end and knowing that he was a traitor, I mightn't have voted, I wouldn't have voted for him.

ED: Oh really?

DIANE: Yeah.

ED: See that would have been fascinating, wouldn't it?

DIANE: That would, I definitely wouldn't.

RICHARD: He may be a traitor, but he's my traitor.

Yeah. Well, I want him to win. You know, so I mean, I know that because I thought about that and thought about that.

RICHARD: Did you do a deal with him?

DIANE: No, not at all. Well, this is an interesting question.

ED: Was there, was it 50 50 down the middle?

DIANE: He said 60 40 if he won and then I said, no, no, it should be 50 50 and then as the time went on and I knew that, um you know, he could possibly still be in for a bit. We're certainly in now. Um, I thought, well, do you know what he's doing? All the hard work. It should be 60 40. Right. So we'll see.

ED: Was it fun playing the game together though?

DIANE: Yeah I’ve got this memory for life now, you know, and all the, all the memes, are they called memes? Yeah, pictures, silly pictures. So he's gone around now with my, um, hair on him. And he thinks it's hysterical. And we were called the Diana Ross, so we'll always have that. Yeah. So that's great.

ED: That must have been something you'd clocked before with the names though. Diane and Ross, Diane and Ross.


ED: Do you not? It's right there.

DIANE: I know, I know.

ED: Do you know that, um, I've been told that when you were actually filming the show, because uh, everyone's obviously very secretive on the crew, that you and Ross had codenames which was the Supremes.

MILES: Really?

ED: So yeah, behind the camera, everyone was calling you the Supremes.

DIANE: Yeah, well no, we'd never come across, no, we'd never thought about that.

ED: We should talk about that, the graveyard spotlight challenge, because you were absolutely incredible in that, just watching you whizz around that graveyard was inspiring, frankly. There was some controversy with your technique, Miles.

MILES: I just want to clarify really quickly. So, you know, we started off with the mission and quite early on people were getting picked up like flies by that light. And so, you know, there's a part where there's certain people playing at the game and obviously there was certain people held as a reserve. So when someone's out, you step in. And in that time, I kind of thought, we've lost so many players, I'm going to jump in the wall, because everyone's looking for themselves, we're all in anarchy, no one's actually watching where the lights are because they're trying to focus on what they're doing. So I jumped on the wall to be like, right, you know, Charlotte, there's a light, you know, trying to call out the names. Um, and you know, some were people obviously in the moment, but I was just trying to make sure that they could survive in the game. So when obviously, when I watch it back to see that Paul was like, yeah, it wasn't part of it. I was like, I'm trying to save you, you know, who was out pretty early on, you know, so, um, so yeah, I was trying to do my part within the game after seeing how it was really playing out that people are being picked off like flies, you know, so,Β  see he was a little bit narked because actually, that was my kind of initiative think, well, let's try something a little bit different.

DIANE: So he was calling out, he was shouting out, there's a light, there's a light. And I've actually said to somebody because I did love that challenge. And I said to somebody miles was showing out there's a light. And I just at that when I got caught, I was furious with myself because I decided just to duck. But up until that point, I'd been listening to Miles, the light's coming, the light's coming. So it enabled me to run it off. You know, there is one more thing that I want to say.

ED: Go for it.

DIANE: So, um, got very friendly with Tracy. We absolutely adore Tracy. Tracy is such a good girl. And, um, you know, she said, she's explained to everybody she's a clairvoyant. And I know you're a minister. I did theology at college and I did my dissertation, The Fall of Man, Genesis 1, verses 1 to 24. But I'm also learning tarot back at home and I was doing cards, um, at night, just to see what would come up. Tracy, before she went, she got the tar, and if anybody knows anything about tarot cards, it means your world's gone. There's an ending, an abrupt ending, nothing you can do about it. I did the Letterman pack, 36 cards, and two days before I went, I drew out the coffin. And I'm kidding you not. Honestly.

ED: Oh my God.

DIANE: So there is something in what Tracy's doing. What a scoop.

ED: What made both of you apply for the show?

MILES: Um, it kind of just aligned, really, for me. Um, but I also kind of wanted to represent the β€˜thicc’ guys. You know, it's one of those situations that I've been more athletic than I have been, you know, recently now. And it was one of those situations that I actually thought, when am I ever going to put myself in a position or feel comfortable enough to do these missions and get involved into something that massively pulls you out of your comfort zone? And so I kind of thought, why not, you know, and then to be successful over how many applicants is, is like, you know, an honour to all of us, really.

Um, but I just wanted to kind of make sure that I didn't shy away from something that was an amazing opportunity, just because, you know, you might have certain, um, worries about yourself and internal issues, so you kind of think, just kind of, balls to the wall kind of situation and just fly with it really, so, yeah.

ED: For those of our older listeners, uh, Miles means thick with two C's, uh, he wasn't calling himself β€˜thick’

MILES: Yeah, no, yeah, no, thick with a Q.

RICHARD: What does it mean?

ED: Thicc, you know, actually got a bit of, got some body.

MILES: Yeah, body. I've, one of those situations where I've been slimmer, a bit more athletic, and obviously as time and age and, uh, has kind of played a part, it's definitely something I kind of thought, Oh, am I, am I confident enough to put myself into a situation like this? With cameras and, you know, people who are definitely athletic. Um, and you know, it's not necessarily an age thing. It was more of a confidence thing in yourself. Um, but I definitely thought that it was time, if I don't do this, I'm going to shine away from the fact because of my own insecurities. That's a really unexpected answer, isn't it?

SOPHIE: That's a really unexpected answer, isn't it? But I'm really impressed with you. Oh, you getting through it all, it was just the first application.

MILES: Yeah, I mean, you know, I'm so honoured to have got it this far. You know, I'm not, I don't like water. You know, I'm not, I don't like running. I hate running. Um, but it's one of those situations. I thought for I'm just not going to do it then because of those things and, you know, it's definitely something I wanted to just swallow down and to get on with it, you know, and then had a, and the guys were massively supportive as well of that.

ED: And now this is Diane's cue to just say the money.

DIANE: I didn't think I'd last a day. I didn't even consider the money. No, I hadn't watched it. My children said to me, Oh, you need to watch this. The last Christmas we watched the penultimate episode. And, um, I said, I think I could do that. Oh, you must be joking.

And then the last one came on. So now I definitely could do this and we played werewolves, which is a game where you have to. And my eldest kept saying, you're rubbish at this mom, you'd be so bad at this. You wouldn't have a hope in hell. You wouldn't be quiet. You'd be opinionated. You'd be thrown out. And then my daughter flippantly sent me an application form. Um, after Christmas and I thought, okay, then challenge on. Um, never thought for one. I thought if I did my little video that you have to send out of sitting there with an egg timer. And I mean, it was ridiculous. Um, and then I just got my hair done, you know, my orange Bob and all this sort of stuff and thought, you know what, I'm just going to do a video and get the application form in and didn't tell a soul. And my husband only found out because, um, I was, my first audition, first interview was on the telephone. We had building work going on and my house, I was in the front room just sitting in a little corner where I could squeeze in because of all the furniture packed in and my husband had to move the car because the builders had to get their van in and I lost contact with the girl I was talking to.Couldn't hear her for about three minutes. She couldn't hear me. My phone had Bluetooth into the car while he was driving it. And then he came in and I saw him, I don't know how many minutes later, and I was buzzing because I had such a good chat. And I said, oh, I might have done something silly. And he went, Yep. And I said, oh, I sort of have applied for a TV show. And he went, Yeah, I know the traitors. And I went, what? And then he told me that he had heard the whole conversation.

ED: So that's good practice for the tracers already. Someone confronting you.

DIANE: And then I didn't tell anybody at all apart from one girl I run with every week, and um, my hairdresser the day before I went in.

SOPHIE: Hairdresser's a pretty key feature in this.

DIANE: And obviously Ross got on, we didn't tell anybody at all. My husband had the phone to contact people if they rang me, because you don't have your phone when you're in the castle. And the only person I said you might have to tell is my daughter. If she can't speak to me, she might. So that's a judgment call. So he had to tell her and we kept everything. And my son, who's been on social media, seriously only found out, and he only found out because his sister in law sent him a photograph and said, the new traitors is coming out. There's a woman on there that looks like your mom, honestly. And then his wife spotted his brother as well. I was probably naive, didn't think about the publicity, I was hoping that none of my friends would find out.

RICHARD: By the way, you would never go to unreasonable lengths to make a point there.

DIANE: No, never!

ED: Now, thank you very much for chatting to me more on the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Sounds bonus app, but I feel like as we've got the Reverend Richard Coles here. Uh, I feel like it would only be right, uh, to give Diane a prop a proper send off. Uh, so, Reverend, please.

RICHARD: Man hath but a short time to live. We wish you'd had a bit longer, actually, Diane, because you were great. But, along with all the faithful departed, may you rest in peace and rise in glory.

DIANE: Hurrah! Hurrah!

ED: The Reverend Richard Coles. Yay!

SOPHIE: I feel a bit weird.

ED: You feel a bit weird because we've, we've, we've now been at another funeral, yeah.Β  You've both been absolutely brilliant players. so much for joining us on Uncloaked. And thank you so much to Sophie and the Reverend Richard Coles. Thank you for being wonderful guests.

Round of applause for all the guests today. We'll be here once again on Uncloaked after episode eight for more exclusives from the castle with two traitors now out of the game. Maybe look over your shoulder now and again, you never know where they may be lurking. See you next time!

