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Traitors Series 2: Episode 6 BONUS – More instant reaction from Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Suzi Ruffell and S2 Players!

Ed Gamble brings you extra Sounds-exclusive reaction to Episode 6 of The Traitors… with Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Suzi Ruffell and S2 Players!

This podcast contains spoilers for episode 6 of The Traitors Series 2.

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ED GAMBLE: Okay, this is the juicy Â鶹ԼÅÄ Sounds extra content. We are still here with the brilliant Krishnan Guru Murthy, the wonderful Susie Ruffell, plus We're going to talk a little bit about the mission that we've just seen, which is banished Anthony and murdered. Tracy is down the line from another location.

Welcome back, guys. Welcome back. Now, Anthony, I want to talk to you about the mission that we've just seen the graveyard robbing, uh, escaping the searchlights. Was that as stressful as it looked?

ANTONY: Indeed, because you needed to coordinate. You needed to make sure you stay in the game. Needed teamwork,

SUZY RUFFELL: Was it creepy as well?

ANTHONY: You're talking about the dead of night. You know, coffins, ghouls. Gosh. You know, it's just like

SUZY: There's enough snakes in the team already.

ANTONY: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

SUZY: Don't need any more of those.

ANTONY: Absolutely.

ED: Harry slithering around.

SUZY: I thought it was a weird choice for him to slither.

ED: I should have spotted that.

ANTHONY: Absolutely. I mean, it's just It's just so difficult because we first thought, well, let's sort of see if there's any strategy towards the lights. I think myself and Paul and a few people said, just hold on a minute, let's try and work out what was going on. And they were like, okay, Claudia was like, three, two, one, go.

And about five people just pelted out and got caught immediately. So, wow!

ED: Yeah, I think it was you who actually said there might be a pattern to these lights. You've got to actually look, they're probably on some sort of rotating system. And, I mean, you were there right at the end, it was you and Zach who were the last two people in. I mean, there was already suspicion on you. There's already some suspicion on Zach as well. Were you hoping that if you lasted the longest in that mission, that maybe that would have helped you out a little bit in the round table?

ANTHONY: Hey, Ed! Seems like you would have been a real good game player. Absolutely, I felt the moment coming, it was impending. I felt like the tide would either go in my favour or I was going to drown. One of the two is going to happen. So I was determined. to be last man standing.

KRISHNAN GURU MURTHY: Were you surprised that the way it became a bit of a popularity contest? Because you seem to be playing it in a way that you weren't trying to be liked. But when it came to the voting, people seemed to be voting on who they liked rather than who they thought was a traitor.

ANTHONY: Interesting observation, because I think as humans, that's what we do. We go for people that we like. So naturally, if I'm around you, and you, you know. I make you feel good and you laugh, you're gonna like me and when push comes to shove, you know, because that emotional connection is going to be a pang in your heart. I don't really want to do it. And if there's a choice between a person that doesn't make me feel as good compared to that, then that's just what's going to happen.

But it's all part of the gameplay, realistically, to be fair to all of my, you know, fellow competitors. It's part of the gameplay. That's what it is really. And I just thought, well, let me, now that I'm a faithful. Let me play it the way that I would be, so I'm rather forthright. I say what's on my mind, I speak what's on my mind.

You know, and that's what it is and it's like a double bluff because you feel that if it does work Then people are like, okay, you know 100 percent and later if I get recruited as a traitor…

ALL: Laughter

ANTHONY: Come on come on…first after the first round table, I thought I'm not gonna I've got no hope in this have I but you know it's like oh, I'm still here another day still here.Okay, I'm still in the firing line though But eventually, if it works out, there could be, could be a possibility of turning this completely on its head. That would blindside them all, wouldn't it?

SUZY: When you're playing those games, how much are you thinking about the cash? Because obviously, you know, there might be a shield, and you're also second guessing everything you do so no one thinks you're a traitor. How often is the money, something you're really considering.

ANTHONY: Hmm, Susie. Um, I hardly, I hardly considered the money in the sense of, oh, getting my hands on it, but definitely building the cash fund. I would rather build the pot than get a shield, believe it or not. And especially in my condition, with me, I thought it's actually good because the traitors are not going to kill me because they're like, he's going to get banished anyway.

You know, so getting assured, yeah, I wasn't too worried about that. Definitely building the pot.

SUZY: Do you think there's other people thinking more about the money?

ED: This is the really interesting thing about the missions because there seems to be this over reliance on thinking, oh, this person's doing really well in the missions, they must be a faithful. But the traitors are trying to build that money as well, because it's the same money.

SUZY: Yeah, it's the same pot.

ED: There's not a separate traitor's pot. You know, so I think everyone seems to be trying their hardest. In the missions, I would say.

ANTHONY: Yeah, I think absolutely everyone's going to try and prove themselves in the mission.

ED: Apart from Miles on this occasion.

ANTHONY: You went there.

ALL: Laughter

ANTHONY: When you're in the heat of the moment, and that's the thing about it for all the competitors, when you're, you know, you're just thrown in the deep end, you don't know what's going to happen. Here you are, middle of the night, ghouls and ghosts.

ED: Was it the middle of the night then?

ANTHONY: Middle of the night, pitch black. Everyone was like, please don't leave me in the dark alone. Okay? Right? Listen. So, um, from that point of view, it was first of all, you've got to get used to that. Yeah. And then There are graves.

ED: And you've got to get into them, you've got to bust the graves open.

ANTHONY: You've got to bust into the graves. Like, like, I'm thinking to myself, like, if I, Chris, if I, if I did that, would I, would I, would a zombie just sort of grab my hand or something like that?

ED: Well, I was worried, I was worried that Tracy was going to pop out of one. That would have been epic. Just be murdered and then, you know, you go into one of the crypts and Tracy's sat there, hello.

ALL: Laughter

ANTHONY: That would have been epic. That would have been absolutely..

ED: Now, Anthony, you have a hidden talent that might have been quite useful in, in the traitors process. Uh, you're a chess coach, that's right, isn't it?

ANTHONY: Is that true? No, absolutely kidding.

ED: There's no point practicing lying now, mate.You're out, you're out the game.

ANTHONY: You can see how desperately I want to be a traitor, right? No, um, it's absolutely true. I am a chess coach, indeed.

KRISHNAN: Did you go into this like a game of chess?

ANTHONY: Absolutely. You know, you know, the key thing about a game of chess was that every everybody on the board is, you know, expendable.

So, I came into it with that mindset, a ruthless mindset. At the end of the day, it's a game of survival. Whether you're a faithful or you're a traitor, you must survive. And I'm prepared to survive.

ED: So, we've got a fascinating duo here, of course. We've got a chess coach, as we've just discussed, with Anthony, and Tracy has psychic abilities. But of course, we should say, you've also previously been in the RAF.

TRACY: Yeah, well, being ex-military, I was so looking forward to the missions, and sometimes just relaxing and being told what to do is really nice, you know, when you're in a really, um, high powered, pressured job. And to just get to the castle and be told, you're going here now, you're doing this now, you're wearing that now. I was like, this is so great.

ED: Yeah, I mean, it seemed particularly, cause obviously, you're ex-military, then there's, there's Harry, and there was Johnny as well, it seemed like you all relished the missions, cause it was Go there, do this, and you just threw yourself into it.

TRACY: Yeah, you really look out for each other in the military. You develop such a strong bond, and it just brings that back, I think. And we all did work so well as a team doing the missions.

ED: I think especially the catapult mission really, really showed that.

TRACY: Yeah.

ED: Um, and it's not often you hear the word camaraderie being used about the traitors, does it? No. Yeah. So, Tracy, we already know about your gift of reading auras and how that's helpful in the Traitor's Castle. Yeah. Yeah. What about Susie Ruffles sat next to me here, Tracey, are you picking anything up about her aura?

TRACY: Yeah, Susie's got a lovely dynamic aura, she's got a lot of red in it, so very creative and passionate. Very hard worker, I feel. You've got a really strong work ethic.

SUZY: That's lovely, this is all I'm gonna put that on a poster!

ED: Is it always this Strong work ethic! Is it always this complimentary, Tracey, or are you being nice to us? Oh no, it's usually complimentary. What about Krishnan, Tracey?

TRACY: Um, Krishnan has got a lot of blue, and a lot of green as well. Oh, nice. So, blue is usually with communication and mental clarity. So, I feel that you're very studious. Um, you like to research things a lot before you speak.

ED: Did you feel like people were acting differently around you in the castle when, when you let them know, uh, your gift?

TRACY: Yeah, well, I should have, I should have picked up on Harry because After I'd gone for Ash at the round table, he came up and spoke to me and said, How did you know? And I said, Oh, because her energy was very closed off. She wasn't giving me anything. And then he just went, Ooh, spooky. And then he kind of almost ran off down the corridor.


ED: Yeah, that's a bit of a red flag, isn't it?

TRACY: I know. Completely glossed over it.

ED: Now, of course, we know that Anthony wanted to be a traitor. What about you, Tracy? Did you have any designs on being a traitor yourself?

TRACY: To start with, I was desperate to be a traitor. And then when Claudia was doing her circle of boom around the round table, I had the most massive panic. And I thought, if they pick me to be a traitor, I'll be so useless. Please don't pick me.

ED: How is that moment, then, when you're sat at the round table and Claudia's walking around? Because I think it's a lot longer than we actually get to see in the show. Is that an absolutely terrifying moment with the blindfold on?

TRACY: It's absolutely petrifying. Honestly, my palms were sweating, my mouth was dry. You're trying to work out where she's stopping and where she's starting and you're trying to memorize who was sat there. But of course we don't know each other very well, so it is so difficult.

ED: Now, as, uh, as we know from Anthony's brilliant speech, uh, it's, it's 8 - 1 down now. They are 8 - 1 down.

KRISHNAN: Um, why do you think that's so rubbish?

ED: He's straight to the point. He's a good communicator.

ANTHONY: Furthermore, I forgot to say that we're going to be 9 - 1 down by the morning because they're going to murder somebody! Come on!

ED: Exactly. Oh dear. Was there anyone I'll ask this question to both of you. I'll ask you first, Anthony. Before you went, were any of the other faithfuls a complete loss to you? Who was the one that you missed the most after they were murdered or banished?

ANTHONY: Yeah, um, that's got to be ‘Meg’nificent. That was my, that was my pet name for her. It's gotta be ‘Meg’nificent. I thought she was Magnificent.

ED: Yeah, we spoke to Meg on a previous episode of this and she said that you were, you were the one that she was in an allyship with. What about you, Tracy? Uh, is there anyone that you particularly missed after they were murdered or banished?

TRACY: I was absolutely kitted when Sonia left. I loved her so much. She was such a character.

ED: Yeah, she was absolutely fantastic. I think everyone was, uh, was very sad to see Sonia go, certainly as a viewer, that's how I felt. Anthony, during filming, when you walk in single file into the banishments, how do you decide the order of the queue from front to back. I mean, obviously, deciding an order of a line is, is pretty loaded on traitors anyway. Is that decided for you, or do you just all sort of shuffle, shuffle into line?

SUZY: And, are you ever tempted to do a conga?


ANTHONY: Lovely, lovely. I would have loved to do a conga, a conga straight to death. But, um, actually, we just randomly selected where, you know, where, how we form the line. It's random.

ED: But are you looking at people going, Why are they at the front of the line?Why have they pushed their way to the front of the line? Whilst they seem very confident.

ANTHONY: To be fair, I was always sort of in my own mind space, in my own game plan. I'd usually sit by myself and I'll just be contemplating what's, what's upcoming and how I'm going to try to manage that situation or, you know, so I didn't really notice that. Always closest to the door. So I'm usually in the first three or four. I don't even know the order behind me Yeah, I've never actually analyzed it or looked at it. So that's actually pretty interesting to look back on

ED: We asked the best nerdy questions here on uncloaked and Tracy in the moments before you go into the banishment what's the atmosphere like when everyone's waiting?

SUZY: I know you have attempted to conga

TRACY: Always, always tempted to do conga.

ED: Hokey cokey at the round table?

TRACY: Yeah, no, it's horrible because the tension is just palpable as you're walking up there.

ED: Wow, yeah, that, I mean, that sounds incredibly tense. And what I always pick up on as well is when it's been a particularly sort of ferocious round table and Claudia says stop, it's time to vote, and if anyone tries to say anything else to try and get another point in, they are shut down. It's like, no, that is over now. We are voting.

ANTHONY: She said to me, silence!

ED: Didn't you say something during the voting process as well? And that was, that was clamped down on pretty quickly.

ANTHONY: Absolutely, she said silence, and I was like, Zit! 8 1, you said, wasn't it? You said 8 1, Drew. 8 1!

EDL Yeah, it's a great catchphrase guys.

This has been so much fun Antony and Tracy. Thank you very much for spilling all the tea about your traces experience And of course to Krishnan and Susie. Thanks so much for coming on and dissecting everything from episode 6 We are of course back next week straight after episode 7 come here to Â鶹ԼÅÄ Sounds for more castle intrigue and exclusive interviews with the latest banished and murdered players from the show.

Will one of those players be Diane? Will she sip from the poison chalice? Watch on Wednesday to find out. From Uncloaked, goodbye!

