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Traitors Series 2: Episode 4 BONUS – More Traitors chat from Joel Dommett, Giovanni Pernice and Series 2 players!

Extra Sounds-exclusive reaction to Episode 4 of The Traitors with Ed Gamble and his guests: superfans Joel Dommett and Giovanni Pernice – plus Series 2 players!

This podcast contains spoilers for the first 4 episodes of The Traitors Series 2.

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11 minutes




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ED Welcome back to the Traitors Uncloaked. This is our bonus episode because we simply couldn't end the conversation there. I'm here with Joel Domet and Giovanni Paniccia, and we're chatting to Brian and Ash. Yeah sounds baby so many more questions to ask you guys, so I want to kick off with the question for both of you, Brian and Ash. Um I take it that you've seen series one and watching series one. Did you take any sort of tips from people who've played the game before any any inspiration from the way the Traitors played the game, or indeed the faithfuls played the game.

BRIAN I didn't really take any tips as such. I did watch it again just to try and get my head into the right space, but I really enjoyed watching Wilf. I think that's why as an outsider I really enjoy watching Paul, but I think I maybe more admired that because I knew obviously from watching how I am and was, I can't do that, so I admired it. So [00:01:00] that's why I was kind of thinking, it's kind of, I took, took it as it's like shooting fish in a barrel. You might get hit straight away, or you might be able to just worm your way through there by accident. And that was kind of my plan, looking at people that were maybe a bit quieter and that sort of thing.

ED So you were trying to be a fish?

BRIAN Yeah. I'm just not good with the wrong animals. I'm not good with my animals.

ED You're a sheep in a barrel. And you can only fit one sheep in a barrel. So they're going to go straight away.

BRIAN That's a hundred percent. I can see you getting hurt there.

JOEL Also, there's not many people that use the phrase, shooting fish in a barrel, and they're the fish. Do you know what I mean? Most people are the people doing the shooting.

ED You find out, don't you, day one of Traitors, whether you're going to be the fish or the shooter.

BRIAN Yeah, that's so true. This is called the wrong thing. It's the wrong name of the show.

ED What about you, Ash? Did you take anything from Series 1?

ASH I'm, unlike a lot of people, I actually loved all the Traitors. So I wanted the Traitors to win. I think for me, Amanda was [00:02:00] quite amazing, right? Yeah. Because She's a little bit, she's maturer and you know, she, with age comes wisdom. There's also, she was quite fiery, but she was really lovely. But I also really loved Wilf too, because he was, he was that kind of cheeky chappy. And I think that was part of, cause he's naturally like that, that got him quite far. I think that was what. That was, so I really actually, if I could ideally be the best Traitor ever, it would be a combination of them two with a sprinkle of Paul on top.

ED Yes.

GIOVANNI I think Harry's the new Will.

ED Do you think Harry's the new Will?

JOEL Yeah, he's got a cheekiness about him. And because you've got that sort of cheekiness, uh, that charm is, it can be, um, confused for either. a faithful or a traitor. Do you know what I mean? It's too likeable though. It's very likeable. Some people will be like, hmm, I really like him, but

ED It's difficult to compare people, I think, to Series 1 because obviously they, [00:03:00] everyone in Series 2, you all came in with full knowledge of what the game was.

BRIAN So true, yeah.

ED Um, but I think, I almost see shades of Amanda and Paul. Yes. Because they both played it supremely coolly and they, you know, Paul's being so relaxed, but then also relishes it a little bit. And I know Amanda relished it a little bit as well.

ASH I feel like Paul's relishing is kind of a little bit slightly more than Amanda's relishing.

ED Yeah, I would agree with that. Yeah. Amanda never kicked her legs around and said that killing people was like eating dark chocolate.

ASH Amanda never had that. And you know that glint in his eye.

BRIAN I'm having words of that boy.

JOEL He absolutely loves it. And like, even when you look at his photo, look at his photo there. He loves it so much. He's like, he's just really, he's absolutely playing a blinder. Bless him. Definitely.

ED Uh, now, Ash, you might have been the first traitor to be caught, um, but you weren't the first to be banished. You know, you [00:04:00] still got away with it for a few, a few episodes, you know? There were people banished before you.

ASH Yes.

ED Do you have any, any tips on how to keep a secret and not get banished?

ASH Don't do what I did.

ED You lasted a few hours though, come on.

ASH Yeah, I mean I think the key thing is to to try and be yourself a bit more and I think because that was part of my problem because I just didn't relax enough, but it's hard to relax, though, you know, and I think with the exception of people like Paul and Harry, I think maybe Don't try and have like a really set rigid set of rules that you're going to follow. This is how I'm going to do things because once you get in there you just don't know what's going to happen. Like because you can't predict how people are going to react to you and also regardless of whether you're a traitor or a faithful we're still human beings and we have feelings right so. You know, like, you just don't know what day, how you're going to feel one day, and especially when you're tired.[00:05:00]

ED That's, that's an interesting thing about, regardless of whether you're a traitor or a faithful, you're a human being. From a faithful's perspective, do you start to imagine the Traitors as absolute monsters in your head?

BRIAN I think, actually at the table, I'm not even I'm not even thinking about the traitors, I think. I think I'm so self involved that I was just like,

ED Right, and you played this game all wrong, man. Yeah, so hang on, you're at the round table and you weren't even thinking about the traitors?

BRIAN No, like, when I was being questioned, I wasn't like, who's questioning me? What are they? I'm more like, how do I not freak out and melt into a puddle?

ED Yeah.

BRIAN So rather than Oh, why are you asking me that question? That's quite suspicious of you asking me. I was just more in, it's fight or flight, isn't it? So I had to stay there and fight, which yeah didn't go. So yeah, it wasn't really, it wasn't in my head necessarily, which is funny, but that's that point you don't,

ASH You don't know how you're going to react. Yeah, because it's one thing actually just being in the castle and hanging out. Right. But when you're around that round table, [00:06:00] there's something very eerie about that room. Don't you think something very eerie about being around that round table. And I think it's partly because you can see everybody's eyes on you.

GIOVANNI So when you go to power though, because you're a traitor.

ASH You see, you think you do, but really, do you?

GIOVANNI I think in your brain, in your brain, you're looking at everybody else around and you think, I know exactly who I'm going to kill tonight. Yeah. And you have step ahead than anybody else.

ASH Oh yeah, absolutely. And that's actually probably the best bit about being the Traitor, right? But the worst bit is then that scrutiny on you, because as soon as one person says your, says your name, you don't know all the sheep that are going to follow.

ED Come on.

JOEL He's right there.

The Traitors Uncloaked, the official podcast.

ED Now this is a new thing for the Traitors Uncloaked podcast, um, because now we're in a situation where a few episodes have gone out. Uh, we're getting the public reaction [00:07:00] coming in so we do, we do have some tweets. ASH Okay.

ED Tell me if you think this is accurate. This is a tweet from Kyle B. Pedley. Kyle B. Pedley says that Harry is serving up some serious GCSE drama energy.

BRIAN The lick of the lips, yeah.

ED The, the lick of the lips. I'd say there was a moment as well when everyone took their blindfolds off after the traitor selection where everyone else just took the blindfolds off and he started rubbing his eyes and going, oh god.

JOEL Yeah, yeah, yeah. I thought this guy's not gonna laugh. He's done better than I expected him to after that.

ED Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. Big celebrity tweet from Ryland, big fan of the show.

JOEL Love that.

ED Uh, Rylan, now, he put a picture of the person he's talking about with this tweet, but I want to ask you if you can immediately tell me who it is without me letting you low. Okay. Never be more afraid of being found out by her. And I'm not even a traitor on the show. Yeah, absolutely.

BRIAN Has to be Diane. Has to be.

ASH She is unleashed. I'm scared of her right now. I was, that day one, I'm telling you, I was, I was, forget Sonia. I was like, [00:08:00] I was so afraid of Diane.

BRIAN She is lovable. I should, I need to say, she is absolutely just. It's so lovely.

DIANE But she knows, because she's a retired teacher, so she knows how to turn on that absolutely ferocious stare. Yeah. Obviously, Ash, when you took the blindfold off, you don't know who the other Traitors have been selected are yet. No. Was there anyone you had in your mind when you took the blindfold off and had a look round the table?

ASH Who I thought were?

ED Who your other fellow traitors?

ASH At that moment, no. Because I did look at everybody's faces and I was thinking, is there anybody acting differently? But there wasn't. Yeah. I love Harry.

ED Not even old Robbie Eyes. Oh. Oh. Oh. And Paul doing the biggest shit eating grin I've ever seen in

ASH God, seriously, now when I've seen that, because when you're there, there's that many people, it's really hard to

ED Yeah, of course, yeah.

ASH You know, and I must have missed that sheep look. Yeah. Because I think I would have picked up on that now. Yeah, for sure.

BRIAN Do you say sheep look, or is this just out of my head? Am I hearing this subconsciously? But he was sheepy.

ED He wasn't sheepy. I didn't say sheepish, she had a big ol [00:09:00] Cheshire cat. I thought you said sheep. I said shit eating grin. Oh! It's close.

JOEL It's close. How out of this room is Ed the one that you can't understand?

BRIAN And also in this podcast, we talk a lot about shit.

ED For you, Ash, I should have said ploppies and grits. Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, and you understand what I mean. We're all on the same page. We do have another tweet about Diane here. Um, this is from jamx22. Uh, I would sell my limbs. for, for Diane to be recruited at some point.

GIOVANNI I think it's a possibility. I'd, I'd love to see it as well.

JOEL Diane is that kind of person that you hope is not your neighbor. I mean, I could just imagine. I know she's a lovely person, absolutely wonderful. But the kind of person at night when like you, you have your music on too loud or something, you open the curtain and you just see a silhouette of Diane in the window opposite just watching you.

ED She's, she's, she's head of the Neighbourhood Watch. Yes, [00:10:00] definitely.

JOEL Definitely.

ED Ash and Brian, you were both great on the show. You provided us with so much entertainment and thank you so much for joining us on Uncloaked today. And Joel and Giovanni, you've been fantastic guests.

Thank you very much for joining us as well. We'll be here once again after Episode 5 for more analysis and quizzing of the players. Now there's a traitor out of the game. Maybe sleep with one eye open tonight. See you next time on Uncloaked.

It's weird that you clap halfway through and then don't clap at the end of the episode. this, we're, we're fi no, we're firing the pod crew. It's a different crew next time. . They dunno when to clap. They're all Traitors.


