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Traitors Series 2: Episodes 1-3 BONUS – More chat from Stacey Dooley, Tom from S1, and S2 Players!

Extra Sounds-exclusive reaction to Week 1 of The Traitors with Ed Gamble and his guests: superfan Stacey Dooley, Tom from Series 1 – plus Series 2 players!

This podcast contains spoilers for the first 3 episodes of The Traitors Series 2.

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[00:00:00] Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Sounds. Music, radio, podcasts.

ED GAMBLE Welcome to the bonus Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Sounds episode of the Traitors Uncloaked podcast with me, Ed Gamble. A reminder that we're talking about everything that happened in week one, so spoiler alert. Get the first three episodes, watch on iPlayer if you haven't already. Coming up, we've got more chat from Aubrey and Kyra.

But first, there was so much we had to uncloak with my guests Stacey Dooley and Tom from Season 1 that we just couldn't stop, so here we are with more goss.

Okay, let's talk missions, specifically the shields in this series.

STACEY Oh, yes!

ED The shields are different to how they were in your series.

TOM Very.

ED They're now part of the missions.

TOM Yeah, I love that.

ED It makes it more of a thing because people actually see other people break off and try and get the shields. They can see people with agendas. We've seen Jazz, Harry and Kyra get one in the first challenge. And Andrew, Paul and Anthony got shields in challenge two. If you remember the moment where Andrew said, right, we're not, we're not going to get the shields. We're just going to do the challenge. And then as soon as they broke off into a group, he went, right, [00:01:00] let's go get the shields. Yeah, correct.

STACEY I'm not asked about people getting shields though, you know, some people take it really personally. I think, well, you know, if you want to stick around for a bit longer.

Yeah. I would, I don't think I'd be outraged if I, if someone prioritised in that.

TOM I don't know, if there's a wise move though. Oh, worst move. In my opinion, it's the worst move. I mean, I, I got a shield. I remember the one thing that's really annoying me about it is that they keep getting the opportunity to say whether they've got the shield.

ED Yeah.

TOM And I'm like. Don't. Like, make it harder for those traitors, make sure that they don't know that they can waste the murder tonight. But everyone for some reason, I think it's because it's because this gameplay of like trust, they don't want people to distrust them. Yeah, everyone's owning up to it. And that's really, I mean, it's, it's kind of such a mess with your head a lot.

But I want them to stop saying they've got the shield.

ED I think so far, it's been So out in the open though. So they've been, you know, they've been swimming or they've been hard to hide. They've been going and looking in a, in a different scarecrow or whatever. , you know, they, they need to, it, it is very, there's a chance someone spotted them doing it. So if they keep it, if they can conceal it to [00:02:00] themselves Yeah. Yeah. They'd be in trouble. That'd be even less trustworthy. Yeah.

TOM There's a lot of hypocrisy about it as well as we've already seen at the round table, like, yeah. Oh, you said you wouldn't go for it, and then the next day Zach's going for it. Or like, you know, it, it is very funny and I, it does surprise me 'cause the murders are. the one thing, yes, you can't control, you can control the banishment, so I can understand why they're doing it, but they're putting so much heat on themselves.

ED Yeah, and people who you wouldn't have thought were in danger of being murdered.

TOM Not at all, but they don't know that, I guess, the anxieties in their heads, and yeah, no, it is, it is funny, I I mean, it's hard to say. I'd like to think I probably wouldn't go for the shield because any extra heat on you is just not worth it, in my opinion.

ED Well, especially the way Kyra did it in that challenge, which was very ballsy from her. Half the players were still tied up and she went and got a shield.

STACEY Yeah, but then didn't she have the hump, that someone else Yes. Yes.

ED We can ask her about that later on. She'll be joining us on the show.

TOM That's gonna be fun.

ED Stacey, I want to ask you this. Now, obviously we've seen Andrew working out, uh, in the bedroom, the little [00:03:00]

STACEY No, I'm, I, I, first of all, Ed, I cannot cope with the cutaways. I cannot cope. My favourite was Diane. Doing the plunges. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So nonchalant. Yeah. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate this.

ED We've had Sonia knitting as well.

TOM With her eyes closed.

ED With Yeah, with her eyes shut. It was brilliant.

TOM Yeah, yeah. Better magician than me.

ED What would you do if, if you were in the traitors? Would you have a specific thing that you'd want to do in those cutaways?

STACEY Yeah, I need to give this some serious thought. I'd probably be, um, if I'm being totally honest, at the moment my life is breastfeeding. So I'd, um, be sat in bed with my My cushion that looks like it's about to grow legs and walk off with me boobs out, right?

ED Okay. Yeah with no, I mean no one's ever taken a baby into the Never know maybe

STACEY Maybe series 10 maybe series 10

TOM Be very hard to banish someone with a baby.

STACEY Yeah My child out in that Scottish terrain Oh

ED And while it's crying there in your arms, I'd feel awful.

STACEY Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Awful.

ED That would be the ultimate way to [00:04:00] put someone off the scent of you being a traitor, wouldn't it? By having a baby with you. Yeah. Yep, good to think about for future series.

The Traitors Uncloaked. The official podcast.

ED Right, Aubrey and Kyra are here everybody. Woo!

Now, I want to ask you two, Aubrey and Kyra. Um, first of all, I'm assuming you'd seen series one. Of the traitors. You weren't going in blind.


ED No, you'd seen it. Now, were you, were you inspired by anyone from series one? Did, did you see anyone in series one and think, I wanna play a game like they played the game?

AUBREY Yes, Amanda.

KYRA My one true love.

AUBREY She was fantastic. Great. You know, like, motherly and all sweet and innocent and all, you know, darling. You know, she was lovely. You know, you'd never think that she was a traitor.

ED She was a pretty astonishing player. She was your favourite from series one.

AUBREY Yeah, definitely.

ED And what about you, Kyra?

KYRA I wasn't really inspired, but I knew who I wouldn't play like, and that was bloody Will. So, um

ED I love you coming at it from the negative angle, girl.

KYRA No, sorry.

ED And not him.

KYRA Just not him, in terms of, uh, just [00:05:00] too much psychological pressure for me, personally. And even though it is a game. It still feels very real, especially when you're in the game, and I think even now when I look on, like, series one, I mean, series two, me being in this one, um, and even, for example, like, Paul being a traitor, I'm like, wow, I actually think very differently than you now. Not in a negative way, but just like, I didn't know he had that capability, and I think that's the eye opener for me.

ED Would you trust him in normal life now?

KYRA No, because it's like, in the sense that, not that he's a bad person, but no, in the sense that I was genuinely convinced he was not a traitor. And Just to even see episode one and like how satisfied he was with himself about killing people and how he went about like deceiving everyone. I think you have to be a certain character to pull that off successfully and not be psychologically affected, in which I don't think he is.

ED So if you were a traitor, you wouldn't have taken that much sort of glee in murdering people?

KYRA To be honest, I don't, well, no, everyone wants to be traitors. I'm not saying that he was wrong for doing that, but I'm just [00:06:00] saying for me personally, I think my, if I was a traitor, my game plan would have been to just be outspoken, be myself. And I don't think people would have suspected me as a traitor because you are that powerful. I think In, to be honest, in the game, no one we suspect to meditate are. No one did. So, yeah.

ED Well, I think they knew that. That's why they knew they had to murder you, right?

KYRA Exactly. So, yeah.

ED And Aubrey, what about you? What, what was your strategy going in? Did you have, did you have a plan in your mind?

AUBREY Just to be me. Because if you try to be some, something you're not, you, you can get tripped up. You know, You'll fall down, you know, if you try to, I would anyway, you know, if I tried to go in there to be something that I'm not, it wouldn't work for me, you know, I'd let myself down.

So I just went in as I was, but obviously that was my downfall.

ED I don't think anyone doubted that you were going in as you were, obviously. I think your personality is very clear from the moment you walked onto that train.

AUBREY Yes, well.

ED I think people knew, absolutely.

AUBREY There you go [00:07:00]

ED Would you have a strategy going in like that? Would you, would you, you, do you want to be a traitor Stacey?

STACEY I definitely want to be a traitor, because I think that looks the most fun. Mmm. And also I love the game, you know what I mean? But it's very easy for me to say that as an outsider looking in. I can imagine when you're in it, it must feel like such a, a pressure cooker. But as a fan of the show, um, I think I'd be pretty ruthless.

ED Yeah. Yeah.

STACEY Yeah. I'd be like, I need that money.

ED I believe it. I can see it in your eyes. And these aren't my pals, so.

AUBREY And if you like that, you'll do anything to get rid of, you know, who's standing in your way. Yeah. No matter what. At the end of the day, we don't know these people. They're not just our friends.

ED Yeah. I love, I love to hear this from you, Aubrey.

TOM Bit of fighting talk.

AUBREY Honestly, they're not our friends.

STACEY It's just like Cluedo, isn't it? It's just like a game.

ED Yeah. Yeah. But people get, people are so into it.

KYRA No, I think, I think it's so real. You can say it's just a game, but I think it's when you're actually there, genuinely it is so [00:08:00] real. And I think especially being a faithful, it's quite mentally draining in the sense that you're obviously thinking about who's a traitor, but then also thinking about, Oh my God, am I coming across as a traitor? But then also thinking, am I going to be murdered? Am I going to be banished? There's a lot of things to consider.

And I think, um, that's why not being yourself is kind of like tricky because my game plan actually was to be like, super innocent, like super ditsy, dumb, like, really quiet, really jolly. As soon as I got in there and I found out it was a fake one, I was like, I'm gonna be myself.

ED Yeah, I was gonna say, that plan didn't last a long time.

KYRA When I didn't get that pinch in the shoulder, I thought, Hell no! Let me know how I feel, but yeah, no, yeah.

STACEY It must be hard not to take it personal, yeah.

TOM You're getting to know each other really well. You're talking about your actual real lives, your real relationships, your real friends. So, yeah, even though it is a game, it feels like when someone accuses you of something after you've been so open with them. It is so personal. You're like, how do you not believe me after everything I've told you? Right? Yeah.

ED Is is that moment when, when Claudia's walking around the round table to select the tracers, is that the first moment where it feels real and you're in the game?

AUBREY It's the click club of, of her shoes going round. [00:09:00] Yeah. I'm sure it was in effect, a sound effect. I thought, oh, in a minute she'll be, you could hear that coming. I thought, oh, she'll be stopping in a minute. I'll feel it. Well, I didn't . That was sad. But uh, yes, it did feel real.

ED And how, how does that feel when, when you take your blindfolds off and you've, you've not been selected? I was devastated.

KYRA Same. Honestly. Pissed.

AUBREY I want to go home.

KYRA But I, when she said, oh, you know what, they've still got one more to text, I was hopeful. I was like, yes! You know what? I'm going to be chosen. These people are going to see the strengths in me. And then I didn't. And I was like, yeah, that's when my game plan went out the window, to be honest.

ED Do you not take that as a compliment though, if they didn't select you as a traitor, that they saw within you the characteristics of a faithful?]

KYRA No, because we're on the, we're literally on the traitors, do you get it? It's like, you could have given me an opportunity to go further or give me a power.

ED If you were a traitor.What faithful would you have wanted to murder first? Oh, great question.

KYRA Zack.

STACEY No hesitation.

KYRA Because he [00:10:00] had this obsession. With shields, and it pissed me off so much, in the sense that like, he was focusing on the wrong things, he was obsessing about shields, I think, if you're a faithful, then that should be your objective to get a shield, why are you coming at me as another faithful for protecting myself, you should surely have some common ground and understand, um, and yeah, just, just being, trying to play like this diplomatic game in terms of having a democracy, about getting shields as well, and just being, saying weird things at wrong times, yeah, I'd kill him.

ED So Zach, done.


ED What about you, Aubrey? Who would you have killed first?

AUBREY If I'd have been a traitor, I would have got rid of Sonja. I know that sounds awful.

ED Oh, no, unfortunately Sonja couldn't join us for this extended Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Sounds episode and it's come back to bite her, because now the truth out. LAUGHTER Why would you have got rid of Sonja?

AUBREY Because I could see, when I first met her at the train station, I could see she was Bright. She's [00:11:00] no fool. She, she, she knew what, you know, she, she was no, knew how to play the game. And I just thought, Sonia, you'd have, you'd have to go.

TOM She's a threat.

ED I think she was a threat in terms of fashion.

AUBREY Honestly, I know it sounds awful. I mean, I love her to bits. It's fabulous. And we are going in that campervan. Um, but that's the honest truth. It's, you know, I could say someone else, but I'd be lying.

ED Are you sure she wasn't, she was wearing a fantastic outfit and you thought, I can't have any competition?

AUBREY No, because I hated the outfit.

ED Sonja, if you're listening to this, he doesn't mean it. I told you so.

AUBREY Khaki don't suit everyone. The camper van's gonna kick off, isn't it?

ED If you're in that camper van, she says, oh, let's listen to the Uncloaked podcast on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Sounds.

TOM No, no, you don't listen to that, mate. You weren't even there, don't worry. It's fine.

AUBREY How do you both feel now that the show's going out? on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ One to millions of people. Really, really good. But, I kept saying to my friends, people are going to be messaging you and [00:12:00] doing this and that. I said, I don't think, who's going to be interested in me? Why would they be interested? Why we've sat here, my phone, I've had to switch it off. It's just non stop.

STACEY It's a massive show. Huge.

TOM Yeah. It's the crazy good fashion as well. Yay.

EDWhat about you, Kyra? Are you ready to be recognised in the supermarket, things like that?

KYRA I was just saying, I don't think it's going to be like that. Yeah, I think for people that have Been eliminated very early, I think. The fame is very short lived in the sense that the hype is more for people that have a, like, stay on the show for longer. So I'm not too nervous in that sense.

ED Is it true you're all in a WhatsApp group together?


ED Who's the admin? Oh, great question!

AUBREY I think Ash. Yeah, I think Ash.

ED Really?

AUBREY Yeah, Ash.

TOM Didn't expect that to be fair.

ED No, I didn't pick her out as the admin. Is it all going off in the group chat, or?

AUBREY Oh, it's ridiculous. It's crazy. You know, there'll be nothing, then you'll wake up in the morning and there's like 93, uh, messages come through.

ED Does anyone leave really long voice notes?

KYRA Oh, hell yeah. Just type it. I know.

STACEY Come on.

AUBREY Johnny does some, [00:13:00] doesn't he?

KYRA Johnny does some is a fun, oh,

ED I want, I, I want a snippet of that WhatsApp group to read out on an episode of Uncloak is what I want. Definitely bring that in, mate.

TOM They'll give you that.

STACEY Yeah. One of you'll sort me out with that.

ED I've got a good one. Thank you, Send me some screenshots. Aubrey. Thank you. Um, and finally I wanna ask Aubrey, Kyra and Tom, what, what advice would you give to people who are thinking of applying for. Series three of the traitors.

KYRA Um, I think that you have to have a clear, uh, game plan. Um, I think that you also have to understand that obviously it's just a game and go into the mindset that you go. I think you should go full force. I think one thing that I regret is not really going full force sometimes. And I think that it's also one of those ones where, um, you should have fun. Like, it is generally a fun experience. Thousands of people apply for it. Why not, like, don't get in your head about it too much.

ED Well, as Brian said, it's a game. You should have been having fun.

KYRA Yeah.

ED Yeah. But, he was not at that very moment. Tom, what about you?

TOM I would say, uh, make sure you're loud so people think you're a traitor so you don't get murdered. But [00:14:00] make sure you're more faithful enough so you don't get banished. And then don't go in with your other half and definitely don't reveal it midway through. That's a really, really stupid thing to do. And then What I would say is yeah, you do just need to have fun.

ED So if you've heard all of that and think you've got what it takes, you can apply for Series 3 by going to forward slash shows and tours and clicking on the take part page. Applications close on February 11th.

Aubrey, Kyra, Stacey, Tom, thank you so much for joining us on the podcast, and thanks very much to you at home for listening. Remember, straight after episode 4, come back to Uncloaked for more analysis, more theories, more suspicion. The Traitors is back in the world, and this series is going to be a rollercoaster.


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