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Mother stays awake for 60 hours as son's care breaks down

Declan Spencer has a severe muscle wastage condition and needs round the clock support.

The family of a Leicestershire man with complex medical needs say they're being let down by the system which helps care for him.

24 year old Declan Spencer has a severe and progressive muscle wastage condition known as Duchenne muscular dystrophy and is unable to move unassisted. He needs round the clock support, a ventilator to breathe, and lives with chronic heart and respiratory failure.

At least 16,000 people in England and Wales are in a situation like Declan's, having their long-term care in their own home. His mum Alex says they often have to fill in when specialised staff aren't availiable.

Ady Dayman talks to Adam Eley - a Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Reporter who's spent nearly a year with the family to see how they were coping, and talks to Declan's Mum Alex.

Declan's NHS Continuing Healthcare scheme (CHC) team said they "always ensure a patient's health care needs are met", but cannot always commission the support families would prefer. It had offered to find Declan a temporary place in a care home, which the family declined, saying a suitable location with staff trained on ventilators would not have been possible at short notice.

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13 minutes

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