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Josh Pugh - HMS Prelude (Part 1)

Oh Mists... Oh Mists of yonder... make way for the guest about to approach. Yes, it looks like they're about to enter the Correct Realm - it's stand-up comedian Josh Pugh!

We often talk about the great pub cities of the Other Realm, but equally as wonderful are the pub towns and villages out there... places that might not seem big enough to accommodate more than one or two drinking establishments, yet somehow manage to cram multiple pubs within seconds of each other. This week's guest is from Atherstone, a town that once claimed to have the most pubs on a single street in the UK. But that's not his biggest selling point; he's also a brilliant stand-up comedian. It's the incredible Josh Pugh!

Josh is an award-winning comedian and social media smash, whose latest show Egg, Sausage, Josh Pugh, Chips and Beans was nominated for the Edinburgh Comedy Award. As a native of a GPT (great pub town) we can only imagine that his dream pub will be reminiscent of those in Atherstone, and we cannot wait to hear what else will be flowing through its pumps.

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30 minutes