Total Dramarama Episodes Available now

Van Hogling—Series 3
40/51 Chef and the kids unleash a herd of ravenous were-hogs on a full moon.

Ticking Crime Bomb—Series 3
41/51 Leshawna and Izzy trick Owen into thinking he is destined to be a criminal mastermind.

Knit Wit—Series 3
42/51 Duncan tries to hide his newfound secret power: knitting.

The Fuss On the Bus—Series 3
43/51 Will the school bus ever arrive at Happy Sunshine Good Time Land?

The Cone-versation—Series 3
44/51 Noah is forced to wear a cone of shame.

Oozing Talent—Series 3
45/51 Sugar unwittingly wins a job as spokesperson for a diarrhea medication.

Senior Sinisters—Series 3
46/51 Harold's anti-aging cream for Chef has disasterous consquences.

Be Claws I Love You, Shelley—Series 3
47/51 Owen brings a lobster in for show and tell.

Total Trauma Rama—Series 3
48/51 Duncan's pranks start curing people of their fears.

The Doomed Ballooned Marooned—Series 3
49/51 The kids over-decorate a birthday table with balloons.