Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood Episodes Available now
Neighbourhood Nutcracker—Series 1
Daniel performs in The Nutcracker ballet!
Daniel Can’t Ride Trammie—Series 1
Daniel gets upset when Mum tells him they will not be riding Trammie.
Daniel Can’t Get What He Wants—Series 1
Daniel and Dad take a trip to the Market.
The Neighbourhood Storm—Series 1
There’s a big storm coming to the Neighbourhood!
After the Neighbourhood Storm—Series 1
The community come together after the big storm has passed.
Daniel Makes a Mistake—Series 1
Daniel accidently knocks over a basket of objects at school. Whoops!
Baking Mistakes—Series 1
Daniel and Prince Wednesday help Baker Aker make cookies.
Daniel Thinks of Others—Series 1
Daniel accidently uses up all the glitter at school.
Daniel Thinks of What Margaret Needs—Series 1
Daniel and Miss Elaina play their musical instruments but it’s too noisy for Margaret.
No Red Sweater for Daniel—Series 1
Daniel can’t find his red sweater!