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Re-Imagining Rugby League and the Trumpet-Playing Star of Wheelchair Rugby

Dave Woods meets leading figures from the wider world of rugby league.

Dave Woods meets two leading figures from the wider world of rugby league to discuss the future of the game and highlight the growth and popularity of wheelchair rugby.

Matt Dwyer is Vice-president, Sports Management at IMG, the company tasked with β€œre-imagining” and re-shaping the future of rugby league with big ambitions for the sport at every level.

And Seb Bechara of Catalans Dragons is one of the biggest personalities in wheelchair rugby. His side face Leeds Rhinos in the Wheelchair Rugby Challenge Cup Final this weekend. Bechara, whose day job is a professional trumpet player, starred for England in last week’s win against France, but this weekend re-joins his club teammates to take on his international colleagues.

Matt Dwyer
3’16 β€œWhat we’re looking to do is re-imagine rugby league in the UK” – discusses their three-phase plan

8’50 On the future structure of the game

11’26 On international development including a future potential international club competition

17’08 On mergers between clubs and the experience of how its worked in Australia

26’00 How can RL get beyond current boundaries

31’52 Matt compares potential growth of rugby league to what they have achieved with Euroleague Basketball and World Table Tennis

Seb Bechara, wheelchair rugby league star of Catalans Dragons and England

37’53 Talks about choosing to play for England over France. Born in England to an English family but lived in France since aged 10. Talks of his β€œmega-pride of playing for England”

39’51 His journey on becoming a wheelchair rugby league player. Lost his leg in a motorbike accident in 2012 and how during rehab he discovered wheelchair basketball and then rugby league

42’18 On his career as a professional freelance trumpet player

47’23 Expectations for England in the World Cup and the fierce rivalry with France

50’14 The future of wheelchair rugby league and his ambition β€œto have club in every city”

52’30 On looking forward to β€œwiping smiles off Leeds Rhinos’ faces” this weekend in the Challenge Cup Final

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55 minutes
