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Taliban ruling on the veil: Afghan women 'face a dark future'

Afghan women will have to wear the Islamic face veil for the first time in decades under a decree passed by the country's ruling Taliban militants.

Afghan women will have to wear the Islamic face veil for the first time in decades under a decree passed by the country's ruling Taliban militants. Any woman who refuses to comply and ignores official warnings to male members of her family could see a male guardian jailed for three days.The decree was passed by the Taliban's Ministry for the Prevention of Vice and Promotion of Virtue.

Three young women from Afghanistan react to the news. One says that by doing this, they fear the Talliban are erasing women's identities and that women are afraid as they sense that doors are closing around them. She pleads for the world to conintue to stand by them. Another fears for the future when women will have no rights at all, and that women feel frustrated and hopeless at the failure of past demonstrations to change their situation.

"We face a dark future in Afghanistan."
"They are trying to erase our identity and our rights as women."

Photo: Afghan women walk on a road in Kandahar, Afghanistan, April 2022 Credit: EPA

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3 minutes