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Tony Blackburn - The Quiet But Fun

We can't quite believe who's making their way through the mists to join us at The Moon Under Water... it's genuine broadcasting legend Tony Blackburn!

β€œIt’s 6.15am, you are listening to The Moon Under Water FM, the mist is starting to fade here in the mystical realm, and right now here’s ELO”. No, you haven’t accidentally tuned into a radio station broadcasting from within your deepest pub desires; this is just to demonstrate that such a phrase would not exist if it wasn’t for this week’s guest. Look through the mist and you might be able to make out someone very special. It can’t be. Surely not?! Is that broadcasting legend Tony Blackburn?! Yes it is!

Many of you will be aware that Tony has played a huge part in the life of Landlord John, and none of us could quite believe it when we saw Tony walking up to our establishment. And if you have ever read his book β€˜Poptastic’, you’ll know as well as we do that he has some amazing stories to tell.

Release date:

6 months left to listen

1 hour, 18 minutes