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Rick Shiels - The Royal Stumble Inn (Part 1)

If there's one thing Landlord John loves more than pints it's golf; so he'll be in good company this week, as we're joined by golfer and YouTuber Rick Shiels!

Landlord John lines up the putt. If he can make this then he is sure to be crowned the winner of the Mists of Desire Open. The ball sways from left to right, it’s heading to the centre of the cup… and it’s in! John win’s the most prestigious golfing tournament in the further realm, and he’s off to the bar to celebrate!”.

No, The Moon Under Water doesn’t host its own golf tournament; but if it did it’d certainly feature this week’s guest. It’s Rick Shiels!

Rick is the biggest golf influencer on YouTube with almost 3 million subscribers! But one thing that not many people know is that he’s equally happy sinking pints as he is putts. He’s about to create his own β€˜Pub of the Mind’, and we can’t wait to hear what it’s like.

Release date:

6 months left to listen

57 minutes