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How getting more sleep could help you lose weight

New research has found that sleeping for longer helps you eat less and reduce your weight. Other studies, including one by the UK's National Health Service, have made links between poor sleep patterns and weight gain - reasoning that if you're stressed, you'll probably eat more, and crave carobyhdrate foods to give you an energy boost.

Now, scientists from the Sleep Research Council in Chicago say getting to bed earlier leaves less time for late night snacking and being well-rested may also curb your appetite. Their study showed that the weight loss translated to as much as 12kg lost over three years and could be a "game changer in tackling obesity". Lead researcher Professor Esra Tasali says, "What we think is that the decrease in calorific intake with sleep extension might also be due to changes in hormones that regulate the appetite which makes you feel less hungry."

Photo: A woman asleep in bed Credit: Getty Images

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