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Zelenka Survey

Hannah French surveys the recordings of Jan Dismas Zelenka and chooses her favourite.

Hannah French surveys the key works works and recordings of Czech composer Jan Dismas Zelenka and chooses her favourite.

Zelenka was born in Central Bohemia in 1679 and, after his musical education in Prague and Vienna, he spent most of his professional life in Dresden. Much admired by Bach for the harmonic inventiveness of his counterpoint, and friends with Telemann, Pisendel and Weiss, Zelenka was considered one of the giants of the Baroque era. Zelenka's music is also inspired by Czech folk music and it was Smetana who is credited with rediscovering the music of his forebear during the 19th century.

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49 minutes

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All episodes since 2010, listed alphabetically by composer surname.
