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Angela Merkel: How being 'grossly underestimated' cleared the way for her career

Germany's centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) have claimed victory in the federal election with preliminary results giving the party a narrow election win over Angela Merkel's CDU, who suffered their worst-ever performance.

Biographer Kati Marton outlines the qualities of Germany's first female chancellor, and the 'blind spots' that brought disenchantment with her and the CDU. She says Merkel's ability to "pass by unnoticed" and not take credit has been the secret of many of her achievements, but that her agreement to let in over a million migrants laid seeds from which the far-right AfD party rose and the eastern German states' discontent.

Photo: Angela Merkel arrives at the CDU party headquarters after first exit polls for the general elections in Berlin, Germany, September 26, 2021 Credit: Reuters

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6 minutes