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Hungary’s anti-LGBT law: How should the EU respond?

Hungary has long sailed close to the wind with its interpretation of European values. But right now, it’s on territory the EU is finding hard to ignore.

The country has introduced new laws banning any material that they say could 'promote' homosexuality in schools.

The European commission has called this disgraceful - and an excuse to severely discriminate against people. But will they go further than words?

Ursula von der Leyen warned Viktor Orbán's government to repeal the legislation - or face the full force of EU law. But if Orbán resists - then what? Is this fight - that goes to the heart of what the bloc believes it stands for - one it is willing to have?

Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis is joined by campaigner Tamás Dombos from the Háttér Society.

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6 minutes