"How lovely to feel the spring sun"
It's a long time since Mum's been able to say more than a few words at a time. Dementia has robbed her of most of her memory, so she also struggles to remember what's being said to her. Her son Andrew has been experimenting by speaking to her in very short sentences, with long gaps between. In this week's diary she reacts positively to the phrase "How lovely to feel the spring sun" and also turns to look at daffodils and a dog out for walk with its owner. They're small steps but, for Andrew, they add up to the most positive week in a long time. Mum and Me: The Dementia Diary was originally broadcast on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio Leeds.
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Mum and Me: The Dementia Diary
Andrew Edwards shares his diary in an unfolding story about his Mum, who has dementia
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