Africa Daily Episodes Available now
Why fall out over a slice of sea?
A slice of the Indian Ocean, wanted by both Kenya and Somalia. But who actually owns it?
Who’s had the most success with Covid-19?
The tips and secrets of three countries that are bringing the fight to Covid-19.
Why are Eritrean troops in Ethiopia?
Eritrea is being blamed for some of the worst violence in Ethiopia’s Tigray region.
Why are young Senegalese so angry?
A wave of violent protests has swept through Senegal. What were they about?
Why is the Gulf of Guinea a piracy hotspot?
More and more pirate attacks area happening off the coast of West Africa. But why?
What’s stopping women leading Africa?
What needs to happen to get more women in charge?
Where are South Africa’s black dads?
Most black children in South Africa are growing up without their dads at home. Why?
How did Zambia get into so much debt?
Zambia’s debt keeps on growing, as families start feeling the pinch. Who’s to blame?
Why are locusts invading East Africa again?
Swarms of locusts are tearing through East Africa. How did they become a plague?
Tigray: Separated by silence (Guest episode)
The agony of not knowing. The Tigray diaspora cut off from their loved ones in crisis