About Surrogacy
#YouMeBigC are joined by Kreena Dhiman, Sophie Beresiner and Laura Boyd, who share their very different experiences of surrogacy and cancer.
Lauren and Steve are joined by Kreena Dhiman, Sophie Beresiner and Laura Boyd to discuss their experiences of surrogacy and cancer.
Each share a very different story and varied approaches to surrogacy.
Don't forget, you can get in touch by using the #YouMeBigC across all forms of social media - spread the word and share the positive support.
Top 5 cancer myths
The You, Me and the Big C team bust some of the myths about cancer.
The dos and don'ts when speaking to someone with cancer
The #youmebigc team discuss how best to talk to someone following their cancer diagnosis.
Information and Support
A list of organisations that provide support and advice for those affected by cancer.
You, Me and the Big C: Putting the can in cancer
The coolest club you never want to be a part of… A candid look at cancer.