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The stay-at-home mum who became a bodybuilding star

Kiran Dembla used to be a full time stay-at-home mum. But then she received some news that led her to transform her life beyond recognition.

In her 30s Kiran Dembla was a full-time stay-at-home mum living in the Indian city of Hyderabad. She spent her days cooking and cleaning and caring for her children. Kiran always had the sense that something was missing, she describes feeling a 'blankness', but it was only when she discovered that she had a blood clot in her brain that she decided to do something about it.

The medication she was taking was causing her to put on weight so she joined the gym. That decision set her on the path to completely transforming her life - these days she's a celebrity trainer and a star bodybuilder. But it hasn't been an easy road - cultural and family expectations have often been at odds with her own aspirations.

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Picture: Kiran Dembla
Credit: Radesh Photography

Presenter: Emily Webb
Producers: Fiona Woods and Nikita Mandhani

Release date:

Available now

21 minutes
