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Have You Given Up On Shopping IRL?

Awkward pant-buying situations, blinding lights, professional complainers and... bras.

Blinding changing rooms, complaining, awkward pant-buying situations (and cold cheese and bean bakes?!) there’s a lot to love and hate thinking about β€˜the good old days’ when you actually went to a shop, instead of becoming best pals with your delivery driver.

Join Roisin and Cassi for a whole lot of ranting, embarrassment, interesting food choices and Love Hate Club shout outs.

As always you can hit us up @ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔSounds @palsb4gals + @cascasg on socials to say hey (and get a shout out), please do share the podcast and subscribe if you are loving it.

Love/Hate Podcast is hosted by Cassi Gillespie and Roisin Kelly
Produced by Ally McCrae and Ross Semple (ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Scotland)
Senior Producers are Kirsty Drain and Paul McFadyen
Exec Producer is Anthony Browne
Commissioned by Jonathan Kanagasooriam and Louise Kattenhorn for ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Sounds

Release date:

Available now

26 minutes

Meet our hosts!

Meet our hosts!

Say hello to Cassi and Roisin, the hosts of The Love/Hate Club.
