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Symphony No 4 in E flat major, 'Romantic'

Composer: Anton Bruckner
Performers: ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Juanjo Mena
Recording date: 05 December 2014
Date of broadcast: 05 December 2014

Bruckner paints a picture of the natural world as he saw it, one of forests and hunting. Check out the horn solo throughout the opening movement and the brass opening of the 3rd movement.

Bruckner’s expressively poetic fourth symphony presents an enticing and vivid immersion in lands of yore - of dappled forests and far away castles, steeped in myth and fable. Appropriately enough, inspiration for the fourth movement came to Bruckner in a dream.

This symphony is a great entry point into the late Romantic era of β€˜classical’ music. Bruckner’s music may at times reference Wagner, his idol, but ultimately remains true to his own vision.

Composer: Anton Bruckner
Performers: ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Juanjo Mena
Recording date: 05 December 2014
Date of broadcast: 05 December 2014

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1 hour, 9 minutes