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The Moon Landings

The Moon Landings 50 years on

It is claimed that 22 million people in the UK watched the coverage of Neil Armstrong's historic first step on the Moon’s surface half a century ago. In reality, the number who actually watched it live was likely far smaller given it unexpectedly took place in the middle of the night. To reflect on that momentous day, Bill Whiteford kicks off the discussion with astronomer Heather Couper. Although not widely talked about, at the very same time that Armstrong was making history, the Soviet Union’s Lunar 15 spacecraft was circling above them in orbit, perhaps an icon of how far the Cold War had come. Gordon Brewer reflects with Professor Phillips O’Brien and Leo Enright on how the tension between the two states manifested itself in space travel. Lastly, what of the future? Nigel Henbest is one of the lucky few to have a ticket for the planned sub-orbital Virgin Galactic flight. Bill Whiteford asks him about his vision for space travel alongside Peter Mendham, Managing Director at Dundee’s Bright Ascension which specialise in software for nano-satellites.

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26 minutes