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Phil Hansen - Creativity Born from Constriction

Artist Phil Hansen tells the story of how the constraint that nearly caused him to quit being an artist, opened up his worlds to untold amounts of creativity.

DigiHuman fans, we've been wanting to do something for a long time. And since we're 100 episodes old, we're treating both you and ourselves. There's only so much we can fit into our 30 minute shows, and that means some pure gold ends up having to be cut. But we don't want our listeners to miss any of the treasures our team get to hear, and so behold, the first of the DigiShorts!

Phil Hansen is an artist, who as a student was single-mindedly pursuing pointillism, to the point where he developed nerve damage in his dominant arm. The shake became so bad that his dots became chaotic squiggles, and Phil decided to give up art entirely.

But, the need to create brought him back to his passion, and after his neurologist advised to 'embrace the shake', he used that natural constraints to create a new form of art. Here he explains how actually manufacturing constraints for himself became integral to his art, and allowed his creativity to reach heights he'd never have reached in a world of endless, paralysing possibilities.

Release date:


6 minutes

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