This Week and Africa Episodes Available now

Arming Angola
The people and events that have made news in Africa this week: arms in Angola; ceasefire in southern Sudan; whether Liberia's Charles Taylor has fled; Zaire's two prime ministers; Zambia's foreign minister receives bullet in post. Presenter: Robin White.

UNITA on the Warpath
UNITA seizes military and political initiative under Jonah Savimbi in Angola

State of Emergency in Zambia
Zambian government acts to stop opposition plot to oust President Chiluba

Senegal Elections
Senegal's incumbent President Abdou Diouf takes the lead in election race

Ethnic Cleansing in Rwanda
Rebel RPF movement accused of Hutu ethnic cleansing in north Rwanda

Rwanda's Internal War
Government and rebel forces clash in Rwanda as refugees flee

Hundreds Killed in Zaire
New President Mobutu banknotes spark violent outbursts in Zaire

Cameroon's President Ahijo Resigns
President Ahijo of Cameroon resigns from power three years before the end of his term

Namibian Independence in Question
Talks collapse between South Africa and SWAPO over Namibian independence