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The Ark of Taste: Pokot Ash Yogurt

In the Kenyan district of West Pokot, a traditional yogurt is made using the milk from cows or goats. It is fermented in gourds or pumpkins and then mixed with the ash of the native Cromwo tree, which provides disinfectant properties, a unique aromatic taste and a characteristic bright grey colour.

Pokot ash yogurt used to be extremely important in the diet of the Pokot community, as both a staple and a precious reserve stored and saved for times of drought. As a region famed for its runners, it is considered by many to be the secret of their running success. However, as livestock farming is now less widespread and milk is less available, there has been a significant reduction in the production of the yogurt. Dan Saladino reports on the importance of keeping this unique production and flavour alive.

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4 minutes