Omnibus Episodes Episode guide
Operation Hunger
What's special about the charity Operation Hunger?
Namibian Pictures
Taking pictures of the Himba tribe in Namibia
Living Left-handed
Being left-handed, are 'southpaws' more creative?
See You at The Chelsea
Why has the Chelsea Hotel always been such a magnet for creative people?
Soper's Seabird Safari
A study of the seabirds which inhabit small islands around the British coastline
Palace of Variety
Inside the Houses of Parliament to witness debating skills
The Letters of Charles Dickens
A review of the latest edition of The Letters of Charles Dickens: The Pilgrim Edition
The Wonderful World of Wanda
A look at public access television in the USA
Ashes to Ashes
Exploring attitudes to burial rituals and the disposal of human remains after death
Rajput Rulers
Traveling through Udipur on horseback to get to the Pushkar Fair
Beyond the Mirage
An examination of the reality of life in Middle Eastern harems and the culture of veiling
Nuclear Waste and the Apache
Controversy over plans to store nuclear waste in a Mescalero Apache reservation
Life After Life
Life for 'special category' prisoners imprisoned during the Northern Ireland Troubles
From New Men into Wild Men
Taking part in a men's weekend with 'Iron Man' Robert Bly
Women in Combat
The changing roles of women in Armed Forces around the world
Namibian Pictures
A journey through the Namibian Desert to photograph the people and the landscapes
A look at the long history of Sarajevo as the city lies under siege
Merchant Navy 50 Years On
Historians and former crewmen recall life in the Merchant Navy over the last 50 years
In The Frosty Air
Christmas traditions in The Pennine Hills in northern England
Sidney Nolan Obituary
A review of the work and life of Australian artist Sidney Nolan
Those Were The Days
The story of Burnley and it's role as the heart of the British Empire
Coleridge in the Quantocks
The Quantocks hills in Somerset as seen by the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Zimbabwean Settlers
'What are the advantages and drawbacks for immigrants living in a new country?'
Memories of the Battle of El Alamein in it's significance in World War II
Nuclear Veterans
The effects of nuclear bomb tests on servicemen and the fight for compensation
Mount Athos
A visit to the World Heritage Site Mount Athos in northern Greece.
King Solomon's Tribe
Are The Lema people in South Africa the lost tribe of King Solomon?
Romania's People
Live in Romania after CeauΘ™escu and what it means to be a Romanian
Ballroom and Latin American Dancing
Exploring the popularity of Ballroom and Latin American dancing in Blackpool
The Secret Palace
The story of Tzar Nicholas II and an historic visit to Alexander Palace in St Petersburg