The Compass Clips
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Why wasn't depression recognised in Japan till the 1990s?
Duration: 03:34
“Living like animals” in “the America of others”
Duration: 02:25
From falafel shop to medical school? A Syrian refugee's story
Duration: 01:32
Martha Lane Fox: How digital is at the heart of citizen-activism
Duration: 04:37
When a future President of the US played Desdemona
Duration: 01:35
Barefoot Law's model for access to justice
Duration: 02:36
Why a lack of toilets is bad for women in India
Duration: 02:55
India's sanitation - problems and solutions
Duration: 03:16
What if every suicide could be prevented?
Duration: 03:47
Could 'zero-suicides' work where you are?
Duration: 02:55
Why was Portugal’s drug control policy so urgently needed?
Duration: 02:32
On the streets with a mobile drug unit
Duration: 02:32
Making coffee bean production carbon neutral
Duration: 01:01
How Costa Rica became one of the greenest countries on Earth
Duration: 02:48
How Estonia became one of the most digitally innovative nations
Duration: 02:39
How are Nigerian droughts affecting Fulani cattle herders?
Duration: 02:45
'Waithood' - what is this and why now?
Duration: 00:53
Kwabena Ankrah: adulthood in Africa
Duration: 02:32