African Perspective Episodes Available now

What If...
Panellists include Vincent Magombe and Abdul Rahman Babu

Violence Among the Children of Soweto, South Africa
Resistance to Apartheid in South Africa's schools and the long term legacy

South Goes West - Goodbyes
Phangisile says her goodbyes to West Africa

South goes West - Ivory Coast to Nigeria
Nigeria as seen through the eyes of South African journalist Phangisile Mtshali

South Goes West - Ghana to Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast as seen through the eyes of South African journalist Phangisile Mtshali

South Goes West - Ghana
Ghana as seen through the eyes of South African journalist Phangisile Mtshali

Awkward Neighbours Part Two
The future in South Africa after Apartheid and its relationship with its neighbours

Africa's Brain Drain
What is driving the increased movement of graduates out of Africa?

Cameroon Korup National Park
How do conservation and development co-exist?

Political, Economic and Agricultural Crisis in Zimbabwe
Carolyn Dempster, undercover in Zimbabwe, reports on the farms taken in the land grab