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Hixon, Staffordshire: A Farmer’s Fundraising Efforts

The farmer who dressed as an impersonator for charity

Finances proved crucial during the World War One for both government and charities. A man called Wilmot Martin from Hixon in Staffordshire raised money through concert parties for charities like the Red Cross. He performed dressed up like the music hall legend Harry Lauder; raising thousands of pounds.

Funds were also important for the government as the war went on – some historians say they didn’t like anyone spending their money β€œfrivolously” and came up with ways of re-directing their funds towards buying war bonds. One way they did this was through β€œtank drives” – a tank would turn up in a town or city and people would come and buy their war bonds from the side of the tank.

Tank drives took place during the latter stages of WW1 in both Stoke-on-Trent (in Hanley) and in Crewe. Tens of thousands of people turned out in Stoke-on-Trent over the course of the week the tank was there, raising just over Β£1million.

Location: Yew Tree Farm, Puddle Hill, Hixon ST18 0NG
Image: Wilmot Martin from Hixon at his concert party during WW1. Photograph courtesy of Bryan Fowler.

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4 minutes

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