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Killing star Sofie heads to the Scottish stage

Former Killing star Sofie Grabol will drop the subtitles as she prepares to perform on the stage in English for the first time.

Known to Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ viewers as Sarah Lund, she spoke to Andrew Neil about how proud she was about the "cultural exchange" that came from the Danish crime drama.

She will perform in new plays for the National Theatre about 15th century Scottish kings, but said she would not attempt to speak Scottish in her role as a queen with Danish links.

Fans of the Killing, which finished after three series, should not be hoping for a return of the detective, as Sofie said she would "definitely not" be reprising the role of Lund, in the TV programme that became an international hit.

It led to a wave of Nordic dramas on UK TV screens, including Borgen and The Bridge.

She spoke about the importance of speaking English in the week when a survey found the language was seen a key feature to being British.

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7 minutes

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