In the Balance Episodes Available now
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Millennium Development Goals: Judgement Day
Have the MDGs eradicated global poverty and improved things for the world's poorest?

For Better or For Worse: the Greek Crisis
How can the sniffles of a small Mediterranean country cause nervousness the world over?

Climate Change: The Business End
Business says environmental concern is the big new driver in their forward planning

UK Election: What's Up for Business Now?
With David Cameron back in office, what does it mean for Britain and European business?

When the Drugs Don't Work
What do we do when the the antibiotics we rely on to cure deadly diseases stop working?

Perfect Pay: When Do We Deserve More?
A CEO who took a million dollar pay-cut and gave his workers more, tells us why he did it

Rana Plaza: a lesson forgotten?
Are the lessons of Rana Plaza forgotten amid new pressures in the global textiles sector?

Cybercrime: the 21st Century Business Risk
What are the risks for businesses and governments from cyber attack?

AIIB: China's Tiger Roars
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank offers China a potent voice on the world stage

Soros and an SOS for Ukraine
George Soros argues that Europe needs to give Ukraine more money to help prevent disaster