Unawdydd cello o Gastell-nedd - beth fydd y cam nesaf yng ngyrfa ddisglair Steffan Morris? A gifted cellist from Neath – what's the next step in Steffan Morris’s brilliant career?
Stori Steffan Morris, unawdydd cello 18 oed o Gastell Nedd sy'n ddisgybl yn ysgol gerdd fyd enwog Yehudi Menhuin ers pum mlynedd. Mae eisioes wedi cael cynnig ysgoloriaeth i'r Guildhall a'r Coleg Brenhinol, ond mae am anelu'n uwch ac astudio gyda goreuon y byd yn Vienna. Beth fydd y cam nesa yng ngyrfa ddisglair Steffan - ac a fydd yn cyrraedd ei uchelgais o arwain ei gerddorfa ei hun?
Steffan Morris, a gifted cellist from Neath, has been a pupil at the world renowned Yehudi Menhuin School for the past five years. Now aged 18 he's been offered scholarships at the Guildhall and the Royal College of Music in London, but he wants to aim higher still and study with the world's best in Vienna. What's the next step in Steffan's brilliant career - and will he succeed in taking the baton to conduct his own orchestra?