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Strictly Confidential Week 11 - Costumes
Matthew and Aliona let us sneak in backstage to the Strictly changing rooms and wardrobe to have a look at the costumes. They talk to costume designer Su Judd and reveal what happens to the costumes after they're finished with on the show.
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More clips from Week 11
Strictly Surgery - Paso Doble
Duration: 01:10
Unsung Hero - Live Researcher
Duration: 02:55
Strictly in 60 - Week 11
Duration: 01:10
Week 11: Chris Hollins' Charleston
Duration: 01:32
More clips from Strictly Come Dancing
The Strictly gang is back together—Series 22, The Final
Duration: 04:01
Your Strictly Come Dancing Final—Series 22, The Final
Duration: 03:23
Chris and Dianne Showdance—Series 22, The Final
Duration: 02:18
Sarah and Vito Showdance—Series 22, The Final
Duration: 02:29