The Strand Episodes Available now
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The best of the world's arts, film, music, literature and music brought to you every day.

The Strand - Friday 3rd July 2009.
Kambakkht Ishq, Jeff Koons, Ajeg Bali, Chika Unigwe.

The Strand - Thursday 2nd July 2009
Steve Reich, Soul Power, Fred D'Aguiar.

The Strand - Wednesday 1st July 2009.
Michael Mann, Guggenheim, Kenyan Boys Choir.

The Strand - Tuesday 30th June 2009.
Island Records Special.

The Strand - Monday 29th June 2009.
New Songdo, Arabs in Venice, Chuck Palahniuk, Simone Dinnerstein.

The best of the world's arts, film, music, literature and music brought to you every day.

The Strand - Saturday 27th June 2009.
The best of the week's world arts, film, music, literature and music.

Michael Jackson, Disgrace

Food Inc, Gerard Quenum, Time Out, Kenya Film