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Episode 3
Episode 3 of 6
Tha Denis ag iarraidh bhith mòr-chòrdte le daoine – dìreach mar a bhrà thair mòr, Marcus. Denis wants to be popular with people - just like his older brother, Marcus.
Tha Denis 10 bliadhna a dh'aois. Tha fadachd mhòr air gus am bi e cheart cho comasach is fèillmhor ri a bhrà thair mòr, Marcus. Ge-tà , le beagan oidhirp’, tha Denis a’ sealltainn dhaibh uile g’ eil e cheart cho tà lantach, na dhòigh fhèin!
Denis is ten years old. He is desperate to be as capable and popular as his older brother, Marcus. However, with a bit of effort, Denis shows everyone that he is equally talented, in his own way!
Wed 15 Jan 2025
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