Episode 5
With the 12-month experiment now complete, the Australian Border Collie siblings reunite for the first time to face their final challenge.
After a hot autumn, it finally feels a little like winter as our puppies and trainers descend on central Queensland for their final assessment. It has been an epic journey for all involved and the road to Hillview, Clermont, was long and dusty for our eager trainers and their much-loved pups. Our puppies are now 12 months old and are warmly welcomed at the home of Muster Dog veteran Frank Finger and his Muster Dogs Champion kelpie, Annie.
Our experts, Neil and Helen are joined by special guest and former champion Frank and dog educator Mick Hudson, who bred this quality litter of pups, to assess how the young dogs measure up after a year of structured and focused training. The three challenges are explained, and our dogs are raring to go. It’s neck and neck in the first two challenges, with all dogs passing. With no clear winner in sight, it’s time for each of the dogs and trainers to take on the final challenge to determine who will be crowned the Champion Muster Dog.
Às dèidh foghar teth, tha coltas a gheamhraidh oirre mu dheireadh thall nuair a tha ar cuileanan is cìobairean a' ruighinn meadhan Queensland airson a' mheasaidh dheireannaich. 'S e turas air leth a bh' ann dhaibh uile, agus 's e slighe fhada stùrach a bh' ann gu Hillview, Clermont, dha na trèanairean agus an cuileanan. Tha ar cuileanan dà mhìos dheug a dh'aois, agus tha fà ilte is furan romhpa aig dachaigh Frank Finger agus a khelpie, Annie, a bha nan Gaisgich Con-Trusaidh roimhe.
An cois na h-eòlaichean againn, Neil is Helen, tha aoighean sònraichte, an t-seann ghaisgeach, Frank, agus an oide-chon Mick Hudson, a dh'à raich an t-à l chuileanan, airson measadh a dhèanamh air an comas às dèidh bliadhna de thrèanadh fo structar, aon-amais. Tha na trì dùbhlain gan cur a-mach romhpa agus tha fadachd air na coin tòiseachadh. Chan eil dad eatorra sa chiad dà dhùbhlan, is tha iad uile a' soirbheachadh. Gun aon a' seasamh a-mach os cionn chà ich, tha an t-à m ann dha na coin is trèanairean feuchainn air an dùbhlan mu dheireadh airson dearbhadh cò Gaisgeach nan Con-Trusaidh.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles.
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