Episode 1
Tha Pà druig MacCuidhein air turas timcheall Alba, a’ sireadh cuilean ùr - neo dhà ma dh’fhaoidte! Peter MacQueen travels Scotland on a mission to find a new puppy - or maybe two!
Tha Pà druig MacCuidhein a’ dèanamh air an t-Eilean Sgitheanach a dh'aona-ghnothach aon dhe na seòrsachan coin as teirce air thalamh – an Abhag Sgitheanach. Tha e a’ coinneachadh ri cuileanan spòrsail, ag ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh iongantaich a’ bhriod bheag seo agus a’ cuir air dòigh ‘photoshoot’ gus an Abhag Sgitheanach a’ dhèanamh ainmeil a-rithist. A' coimhead ri eachdraidh is spionnadh a' choin, saoil an e an Abhag Sgitheanach an dearbh chù dha Pà druig?
Peter MacQueen heads to the stunning Isle of Skye on a mission to track down one of the rarest dog breeds in the world - the Skye Terrier. He meets playful puppies, uncovers hidden breed secrets with a passionate author and stages an epic photoshoot to put this endangered dog back in the spotlight. As he explores the breed’s legendary history and spirited character, Peter wonders if the Skye Terrier might just be his perfect companion.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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