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A Warm Space

A spiritual comment and prayer to start the day with the Rev Dr Rosa Hunt, minister at Tabernacle Chapel Cardiff and co-principal of Cardiff Baptist College.

A spiritual comment and prayer to start the day with the Revd Dr Rosa Hunt, Minister at Tabernacle Chapel Cardiff and Co-Principal of Cardiff Baptist College.

Good morning.

It’s not a good morning for Dave and Sue. They live outside a sandwich shop just round the corner from our church, and it was raining last night, so their sleeping bags and blankets are wet through.

It’s not a good morning for Kieran, either. He’s a first year university student but he’s broken up with his partner, and the contract was in her name, so he’s homeless now. He’s spent the night outside the hostel which was too full to let him in.

Ahmed’s not having a great morning, either. Fleeing unimaginable horrors in Syria, he came to Britain under a Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Office scheme, but has ended up on the streets. His eyes are empty.

Soon, our church will open its doors as a warm space. Dave, Sue, Kieran, Ahmed and around 50 other people will come in. Nearly all of them are homeless, or in desperate financial straits. We get to eat together, and listen to each other’s stories. For a brief couple of hours, our guests have a place where they belong. It’s nowhere near enough to turn a bad morning into a good one. But for today, it’s going to have to do.

Lord Jesus,
You were the son of man who had no place to lay his head when you were on earth. You know what it’s like to be homeless and vulnerable. Give us hearts of compassion and enable us to see your face in every homeless person we meet this week. Help us to get to know them as people – to ask their names, to offer our friendship and respect. We pray also for those in government at all levels, and who are in a position to make decisions which affect the poorest and most vulnerable in our society. Grant them wisdom, mercy and insight.

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2 minutes

Last on

Tue 29 Oct 2024 05:43


  • Tue 29 Oct 2024 05:43

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