Showing Off His Techniques! Zoro’s Formidable One-Sword Style!
Nami, Robin, and Chopper try to stop the children from getting to Mocha, who is trying to keep the candies away from them. As Brook and Kin'emon continue to look for the Sea Prism Stone handcuffs.
Nami, Robin, and Chopper try to stop the children from getting to Mocha, who is trying to keep the candies away from them. As Brook and Kin'emon continue to look for the Sea Prism Stone handcuffs, they run into some children, and one of the girls seem to know Momonosuke's whereabouts. In the Biscuit Room where Monet and Zoro's battle continues, Tashigi tells Zoro she stayed behind because he will not attack women and therefore will not be able to defeat Monet. Monet attacks Tashigi, and Tashigi is about to be defeated when Zoro comes to her rescue with his secret one-sword style technique. It does not kill Monet since he did not use Haki, but Tashigi delivers the final blow in his stead before she passes out. Meanwhile, Luffy is trying to get out of the garbage pit with the unconscious Momonosuke Dragon on his back.