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Episode 3

A cruise ship is safely piloted into Stornoway, and we meet artists who make the very most of treasures washed ashore.

Based in the main port in the Hebrides, we follow the beating heart of Stornoway Harbour. In her shelter, there is a bustling community to be found. In this episode, a cruise ship is safely piloted into Stornoway, and we meet artists who make the very most of treasures washed ashore.

Stèidhte ann am prìomh port nan Eilean Siar, the sinne a’ leantainn cridhe Port Steòrnabhaigh. Na fasgadh, tha coimhearsnachd trang ri lorg. Anns a’ phrògram seo, tha bàta-crùis air a stiùireadh a-steach a Phort Steòrnabhaigh gu sàbhailte, ‘s coinnichidh sinn ri luchd-ealain comasach a tha a’ cleachdach toradh a’ chladaich. Thig còmhla rinn ‘s sinn a’ leanntainn beatha ann am Port Steòrnabhaigh.

28 minutes
