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Find A Way Out! Rocketman Takes Flight!

Episode 267 of 62

In the Judiciary Tower, Robin and Franky are brought before Spandam. Franky Family and the Galley-La foremen have the upper hand in the battle against Oimo, the giant guard.

In the Judiciary Tower, Robin and Franky are brought before Spandam. Franky Family and the Galley-La foremen have the upper hand in the battle against Oimo, the giant guard. Concerned marines and agents seek advice from three-headed Chief Justice Baskerville since they cannot get in touch with Spandam. Baskerville dispatches the elite Watchdog Squad to take care of the penetrators. But Zolo and the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates, who fly over the gate on the Rocketman, arrive just in time to help their friends. Meanwhile, Luffy fights off the marines and agents as he rushes through the main island, but he suddenly finds himself on the edge of a giant cliff.

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23 minutes