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Another Sea Train? Rocketman Charges Forth!

Episode 255 of 62

Luffy asks Paulie if they could borrow a ship to go to Enies Lobby, but Paulie refuses and tells them to wait until the storm passes. But Luffy and his crew are not in the waiting mood.

Luffy asks Paulie if they could borrow a ship to go to Enies Lobby, but Paulie refuses and tells them to wait until the storm passes. But Luffy and his crew are not in the waiting mood. They are ready to steal one if that’s what they have to do. But Kokoro stops them and takes them to an abandoned warehouse. There, they find the Rocketman, a prototype of the Sea Train, and Iceburg, who was fixing it up for them. Before they leave, Zanbai and other Franky Family members show up and beg Luffy to take them with them. Despite everything that has happened, Luffy agrees to help the desperate Franky Family members go save their beloved boss. Meanwhile, on Puffing Tom, Sanji finds Usopp and Franky, who, together with Robin, have been captured by the World Government.

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23 minutes