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Na Bana-bhuidsich/Grimsby Fairy Tale

Grimsby is putting on its annual community play and Anna wants the role of princess. Cast as a witch instead, the Spuds set out to prove that witches can have happy endings, too.

Thathar a’ dèanamh deiseil airson cuirm-chluich bhliadhnail a’ bhaile, is tha Anna ag iarraidh pàirt na bana-phrionnsa. Ach ’s ann a tha pàirtean nam bana-bhuidseach air a thoirt dhi fhèin, Pòl agus Granaidh, is tha iad a’ feuchainn ri shealltainn gun urrainn crìoch shona a bhith aig sgeulachd nam bana-bhuidseach cuideachd.

Grimsby is putting on its annual community play and Anna wants the role of princess. Cast as a witch instead, the Spuds set out to prove that witches can have happy endings, too.

11 minutes
