Rocks Crying
A spiritual comment and prayer to start the day with Haydon Spenceley.
A spiritual comment and prayer to start the day with Haydon Spenceley
Good morning.
Have you ever heard rocks crying? I’m reminded this morning of the verse in scripture that reminds us that the whole earth declares the glory, or sings the glory of God. If humans don’t praise, the rocks will cry out. I’m a writer of songs and a lifelong lover of music. If even rocks will cry out in song then there must be music for me to make with my life, starting today. If we’re not careful we can miss the beauty, joy, wonder of life, the astounding melody and harmony which is at play in the heart of everything. Even when you turn a tap on and pipes hum, or boil a kettle, some kind of music plays in the atmosphere. As we show love, kindness, as we are generous, as we are thankful to God for the love shown to us by Jesus in coming to be one of us, there is a playing of a new song of hope.
That might all sound a bit much, a bit strange, but it’s all about perspective. Our hearts can sing God’s song, a song of love, joy, peace, hope and freedom for our own lives and for the lives of those we come into contact with today. We are designed to praise, to be thankful, at the most basic to be positive. I’m somewhat gnarled and cynical, so none of that comes naturally to me, but nonetheless, that is what I’m made for, so I am trying to learn what it is to be someone who sings a new song of God’s goodness day by day.
Help me to sing a new song to you today, whether that is a literal song, or the kind of song a life well-lived and focused on your way can sing. Let the melodies and harmonies of my song today be pleasing to your ear.