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Chan eil caraid ann coltach riumsa!/I’m the best friend who ever existed!

Episode 26 of 26

There's a new girl in school, Anna. Suddenly she disappears. What's the mystery hidden behind Anna?

Tha sgoilear ùr sa chlas, Anna a th’ oirre. ‘S e nighean sàmhach, dìomhair a th’ innte, cha bhi i bruidhinn is chan eil ùidh aice cluich còmhla ri na sgoilearan eile. Gu h-obann, tha Anna a’ dol à sealladh. Dè tha cho dìomhair mu deidhinn?

There's a new girl in school, Anna. She's an enigmatic girl that doesn't talk and doesn't seem interested on the other kids. Suddenly Anna disappears. What's the mystery hidden behind Anna?

7 minutes
