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Ceol Lochan a’ Mhonaidh Ruaidh/Underwater Cairngorms

Episode 5 of 9

Sgrùdadh air saoghal fon uisge anns a’ Mhonadh Ruadh.
An exploration of the underwater world of the Cairngorms.

Anns a’ phrògram seo, tha sinn a’ dol ann an cuideachd an neach-ciùil, Mhairi Hall agus an sàr eòlaiche fuaim, David de la Haye, dithis gu math cruthachail, ’s iad a’ dèanamh sgrùdadh air Lochan Gàidhealach – ann an dòigh nach eil sibh air fhaicinn no air a chluinntinn a-riamh ron seo! Pròiseact adhartach a tha a’ measgachadh ceòl, saidheans, teicneòlas, cruthachaidhean ùr agus an t-uabhas foighidinn is iad gam bogadh fhèin ann an nàdar thairis air bliadhna – a’ foillseachadh siostam fuaim a tha fo uachdar lochan a’ Mhonaidh Ruaidh. Thig seo gu crìoch le cuirm mhìorbhaileach ri taobh an locha le Mhairi a’ cluich ceòl ùr air a’ mhòr-phiàno – torraidhean an rannsachaidh.

Tha sinn gan leantainn tro na ràithean air turas inntinneach a’ sgrùdadh saoghal fon uisge anns a’ Mhonadh Ruadh, a’ gabhail a-steach Loch Mhùrlaig, An Lochan Uaine, Loch a’ Ghartain, Loch Mallachaidh agus na h-Uath Lochan a tha uile ainmeil airson an cuid bhoidhchead.

A’ cleachdadh an uidheamachd clàraidh as fheàrr fon uisge, tha Mhairi agus David a’ rannsachadh mar a tha na ràithean a’ toirt buaidh air fuaimean ceòlmhor nan lochan. Foillsichidh am pròiseact cruthachail agus ealanta seo iongantas agus farsaingeachd na h-arainneachd eag-eòlach, shònraichte seo.

In Underwater Cairngorms, we join Mhairi Hall and David de la Haye, a highly creative duo, to explore Highland lochs in a way that you have never seen, or heard, before! A pioneering arts project that fuses music, science, technology, contemporary composition and considerable patience, as they surround themselves in nature over the course of a year – revealing the delightful eco-sound-system that lies beneath the surface of the Cairngorm loch habitats. This will culminate in a stunning lochside performance by Mhairi on the grand piano of the newly composed music, the result of their combined research.

We follow the duo through the seasons on a fascinating journey exploring the underwater world of the Cairngorms, including Loch Morlich, An Lochan Uaine, Loch Garten and Loch Mallachie, and the Uath Lochans - famed for their alluring beauty.

Using state of the art underwater microphones, Mhairi and David research the seasonal effects on the underwater soundscapes of the lochs. This creative and artistic experience exposes the wonder and ecological diversity of these special surroundings.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes


Role Contributor
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
Producer Peter Macqueen
Production Manager Marion Maclean
Editor Kate Macleod
Editor Paul Duke
Director Magnus Graham
